Saturday, February 9, 2008
Just Try And Garnish My Wages!
1:50 AM | Scribbled by
Sam |
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i sit back and wonder a lot of various things these days. with my new job and new found income, i wonder why Americans would wanna vote for a candidate that is guaranteed to raise their taxes. i wonder why Americans would wanna vote for a candidate who promises to put the United States government in charge of their individual health care. i mean, face it...this IS the same United States government that was put in charge of our individual retirement plans, known as Social Security. does anyone still understand that the Social Security system spends more than it currently has? i wonder why Americans don't understand that spending more money than that which is available results in a bankrupt and broken system. i wonder why Americans can forget that this same United States government takes out over 30% of each and every legal paycheck...and yet some of the candidates want to increase that...a lot. the point? so that the American people can be that much more reliable on the United States government. once the people are fully reliable on their government...the people are weaker and easier to control.
i wonder why Americans have such a sense of entitlement living here. i wonder why Americans are increasingly becoming less and less responsible for their own lives, decisions, and futures. and above all...i wonder why they want the United States government to take over?
mind control happens when you give government more and more power over our personal lives. if ya think i'm being a little too extreme here...i'm not. Obama and Hillary are "liberal" enough to make the United States into a Socialist+Totalitarian territory.
i've had these conversations with people. i never hear much in return to these questions:
"our health care sucks...i went to the emergency room and had to wait for hours before getting help."
i guess when you put the word "free" in front of goodies, people tend to think that 'magic' somehow appears into the situation. i don't claim to be smarter than anyone, but i do claim to be able to think logically...occasionally.
the fact is, that with nationalized health care...the long lines you think you know now...will lack in comparison to the lines you will see once every drug addict, morbidly obese cigarette smoker, or just generally unhealthy person wants to go utilize their "free" health care.
got a headache? go to the emergency room! why not? it's free! bumped your elbow? go get an's free!
oh, you wanna schedule an MRI for that special condition you have? ok...we can fit you in at 2:30pm on Thursday, July 16th...2009. you think i'm kidding?
personal health care is a choice...not a right. don't believe me? i have known plenty of people in my 30 years of life who don't think they need healthcare and don't want it...and don't buy it as a result. and as ignorant as that concept is to's still their human right to make the choice NOT to pursue it.
i wonder why Americans think i'm wrong on this issue.
i wonder why i should possibly have my "wages garnished" if i refuse to pay into the introduced nationalized health care system. Hillary said enforcement may include taking YOUR money out of YOUR paycheck (for those that refuse to pay into HER plan). yes, she said this here when she was on national TV on MSNBC.
as i mentioned at the start of this spew, i have many many thoughts these days.
the list continues and the list gets more diverse with every sequential thought.
such as:
do i think George W. Bush is a fantastic example of what i believe in? no. do i think he is even an example of a true conservative? not at all. if you've been following, he's been quite liberal with money. granted, he did have to face the aftermath of the biggest attack in American history.
speaking of, i wonder why Americans so easily forget that we haven't had ANY attacks inside our country since 9/11. i wonder why Americans don't find this to be important anymore. i wonder why Americans are so ignorant to fully understand that this wonderful country we live in fact a wonderful country!
hell, i wonder why some Americans STILL think that "9/11 was an inside job".
i wonder why Americans would want to grant amnesty to people that jump ahead of the line and come over here illegally. we did this in the 80's...based on the strict agreement that it would stop...altogether. it didn't work. i wonder why Americans don't understand this.
many days, i even wonder what's wrong with me for wanting to secure our borders and punish criminals who come here illegally.
i wonder why Americans still like to use the line, "tax cuts for the rich". furthermore, i wonder why Americans don't understand that millionaires and the "rich" pay so much more money in taxes than the average person would ever know what to do with. why is that so hard to understand? it's 3rd grade simple math.
i wonder why Americans want to keep increasing the minimum wage, as if to try and make it so that we live in a classless society where everyone makes the same amount of money. in this argument, i wonder why Americans think that janitors need to make the same amount of money as managers, teachers, accountants, or innovative creative thinkers.
and lately...
i wonder why more American's haven't read Ann Rand's, Atlas Shrugged and understood that government intervention in our individual lives is a bad idea!
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It's Only a Blog
my name is Sam. if you're here, please leave a comment and say hi, tell me how wrong i am, or where the nearest bridge you think i should jump off is. personally, i come here after some issue or concern has taken control, leaving me out in the cold with no other option. i urge you to do the same. i may not like what you have to say, but we all have to's only a blog. if you like what you find here, just know...stay with me long enough and it's highly likely i will offend you. that being said, thank you for visiting and i hope you come back soon.
You read it! You read Atlas Shrugged! YES!!!!!!!!!! Go sam go!
"Who is John Gault?"
- Cyn
well, joining the peace corps and having endless hours to do what i want lead me to open a big fat book with a long history of controversy.
i never drive accross a railroad crossing without thinking about opoor mr. gault.
Well whatever it was the led you to the book, I'm glad you read it. I agreed with what you wrote here---though I'm not 100% certain that our presence in IRAQ is why we've not had more terrorist encounters on our soil here. To my way of thinking, if there was a gang of bandits on my street and I wanted to protect my house, well, I'd be home, armed to the 9s in my house. I use that logic with terrorism. It seems to me we could be better protected if our troops were here.
Be that as it may, I agree the govt spending is insane. The situation where people cross our borders uninvited is nothing short of an invasion. Seriously, if you said a million people from Iraq snuck into the US every year, it would be called a threat/invasion. Oh some bleeding hearts would cry "but they're looking for a better life". Well look for it legally. That's probably all I should say. Don't come over with your hand out, breed like jackrabbits and take money from govt programs that I have to pay for and do it all illegally. I call that theft---directly from my pocketbook and from my LEGAL countrymen who can't use the programs that were created to assist them in times of need. Phew. Who knew I had all that in my head?
Sometimes I'd like to swallow the pill. The one that it seems everyone else is taking. They seem so oblivious and carefree. Pretty soon we'll all be socialists. What seemed like sci fi is becoming reality so quickly. Very strange times.
ohh i love it when you nameless spineless turds send youtube videos of left-wing agenda propaganda nonsense relating to Fox News, 9/11, George Bush, or Skull & Crossbones.
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