Friday, December 14, 2007
Steroids...Not Only In Baseball Buddy
7:10 PM | Scribbled by
Sam |
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when i was a kid, for years my brother would joke to me about my favorite baseball player. a man with arms the size of my waist...a man by the name of Jose Canseco.
"he's on steroids! just look at him!" my brother said, so sure of his direct accusations. me, sitting there getting angry, trying to defend my top baseball role model, had nothing else do but exclaim back with a vengeance, "no he isn't...shut up!"
well, as it turned out he was right. just how did he know? think about it...this was back in the late 1980's. WAY before the internet, and WAY before ANY kind of hint of steroid use in the sport of baseball. my brother amazes me sometimes with the things he knows, or thinks he knows. most of the time, he's right. looking back, i guess it wasn't rocket science. the man clearly looked juiced.
today, we have a myriad of professional sport athletes breaking long lasting records on a regular basis. i'm talking about EVERY sport...from Cycling, to Soccer, to Basketball, to Tennis, to Hockey, to Badminton, to Football, to Wiffleball, to Ping Pong.
face it...there is a very wide use of steroids in EVERY sport on the planet. for some, this may be a hard pill to swallow, no pun intended. i have been trying to come to terms with the fact that there is a high likelihood my favorite players and favorites teams are involved somewhat in the current steroid scandal.
i mean, who wants to admit that their favorite player may feel the need to take drugs, that make their genitals smaller, just in order to compete. it's a sad sad realization..but if you think that your favorite player, sport, or team cannot be involved...think again.
today, Jose Canseco even said on a daytime talk show that Alex Rodriquez is "not who he says he is". i don't like A-Rod, but the man has been an avid spokesman against steroid use in baseball. Canseco has NOTHING to gain from lying, and yes...he has nothing to lose either...but why wouldn't A-Rod be taking steroids? people call him the best player in the world, even though baseball is mainly an American fascination.
remember Lance Armstrong failed at least one drug test. it's all the same with these guys...they all say one of 3 things in retaliation: 1) "i have never used steroids!", or 2) "the test was wrong!", and my personal favorite, 3) "i was set up!".
i have lost ALL respect for EVERY professional athlete. now i'm a HUGE Boston Celtics fan, and this year...quite frankly, they are kicking ass in the NBA. this comes after an off season where an NBA referee was found guilty of gambling, cheating, and fixing the scores of NBA games he officiated. nice. ya know, my brother also always told me that the NBA referees were being paid off. bingo. man, you've really gotta hand it to my brother. he just KNOWS. uhh, Sylvia Browne who???
my point is...i don't know who to trust anymore. i'm still gonna watch the games and pay attention to every sport, out of habit. but nothing surprises me anymore regarding people who make millions of dollars. they are ALL scum. they ALL make too much money for very little "work". this also goes for actors and politicians too.
so, if you think that your favorite player or favorite team isn't involved or is NO WAY associated with unfair practices. think again. no one's perfect.
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my name is Sam. if you're here, please leave a comment and say hi, tell me how wrong i am, or where the nearest bridge you think i should jump off is. personally, i come here after some issue or concern has taken control, leaving me out in the cold with no other option. i urge you to do the same. i may not like what you have to say, but we all have to's only a blog. if you like what you find here, just know...stay with me long enough and it's highly likely i will offend you. that being said, thank you for visiting and i hope you come back soon.
I completely sympathize with your plight here, Sam. I actually, literally, cried when I saw some of the names in the Mitchell report (for example, Mike Stanton--he wasn't an amazing player or anything, he threw a ball to me once and I always thought fondly of him after that), but I cannot say I am surprised.
I was proud to see that none of my current Braves were listed. I'm choosing to think positively about the ball club Bobby Cox captains and I hope that he does not tolerate "juicing." It is troubling that Andruw Jones's talent seemed to fade as soon as this steroid investigation started, but if he was using, I am glad to see that the Braves let him go. I completely understand your cynicism and part of me says you are right. But I am choosing to believe that my team is above all of this:)
And I am curious to know you're opinion on Tom Glavine. He took a huge pay cut to play in Atlanta next year. Now, it does have advantages for his family, but is that the same as it being for the money?
well, definately something positive can come out of Tom Glavine's choice to remain a Brave to stay in Atlanta. some people, a very select few, are genuine people. i would only hope that after you reach a certain level of financial success, you would start to realize again what is important...and not always focused on the "bottom line" of the paycheck. i mean, how much money do you really NEED after a certain number of millions?
today, players just NEVER stay with the same teams in ANY sport...because they are all greedy. the world needs more Tom Glavines' around.
unfortunately the current scandal, which included David Justice as you heard (damn!), has tainted my image indefinately for a while. i'm pissed to be quite frank!
i'm with ya on your optimisism. you are always such a fresh breath of light at the end of the tunnel and i REALLY appreciate it in my world.
i will say, Larry Bird and Joe Montana NEVER did steroids. but i am biased, just a little :)
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