Monday, October 6, 2008
Keating Five Facts Turns Into Full Blown War
11:36 PM | Scribbled by
Sam |
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(this blog was written in response to some discussions on , where there are young "fans" being brainwashed daily by the left winged agenda of the site and the memebers).
you wanna talk about the Keating Five? ok, here is what they don't tell you...the other four members were DEMONcRATS! plus, McCain was cleared of any wrong doing. so what's the problem?
you really wanna go there with such a weak point? fine, Obama sat in twice a month, according to his interview with Bill O'Reilly with church service with the Rev Jeramiah Wright...which is over 500 times in 20 years, unless you do liberal math...and we are expected to believe him when he says he didn't know anything about how racist and anti-American Wright was? LMAO! are you kidding me??
ok...this is it...i'm gonna go here...yep...i'm going here NOW. Obama is a MUSLIM...why? because he was born a MUSLIM, attended a MUSLIM school, had a father who was MUSLIM, has a MUSLIM name...and if you ask any Muslim...they will tell ALL you, "once a Muslim, always a Muslim". he only changed his affiliation to be involved with politics in America. why do you think Kenya, a Muslim country, wants him to win so badly? it's just common sense and sheer naivety to ignore these facts.
and with the "current economic crisis", it was the Demoncrats who refused to see that Freddie and Fannie were going to cause trouble TWO FULL TEARS AGO! don't make me pull out the CSPAN video from youtube. it's a fact.
and then, when the bailout shit sandwich was passed and ingested by us...the DEMONcRATS were all happy and celebrating as if they were the ones who passed it, yet when it didn't pass the first time...they blamed the Republicans for it not passing, even though they have the overwhelming majority in the the lowest approval rated congress in American history. double standard or just plain stupidity and ignorance? i think both.
i can't wait until The Messiah wins in November, so we will see how a tax and spend liberal will run the economy into the ground. small business will have to lay off workers because of the extra taxes, and small business will eventually fail due to these taxes.
i can see the bumper stickers already..."don't blame me...i voted McCain"
you just wanna be a part of a movement to elect the first black man as president...regardless of the fact that he doesn't know his left from his right. plus, he is from Chicago...and since Billy is from are dumb enough to follow him to the grave. it's so sad to see people not use their mind and to waste it on following others rather than doing your own research and just listening to left winged nuts on this site spout their total BS on a daily basis. it's simply...un...believable.
and you people ignorant children who want to vote for The Messiah...don't tell me it has anything to do with who Billy and Linda Strawberry is voting for, because i don't believe you. you guys blindly follow your "God" as you have called him on this site many times you would vote for a turtle if Billy or Linda said they were. that's called being a sheep...i call it being an IDIOT. hell, we see you blindly defending ANYTHING and EVERYTHING on his page, anything he says, and everything that he represents...even down to who he is voting for.
so, go ahead and put a Muslim in charge of America and see when the next Terrorist attack will happen and see who blames who. the Islamic Extremists WANT Obama to be the president because he is weak. go ahead...give them what they want.
personally...i can't wait! the new war on your candidate will start on November 4th and it will be GREAT.
get a clue. use your own mind to make your choices.
btw...Linda Strawberry is a NOBODY...she wouldn't even be "known" to you at ALL if it weren't for Billy (that's a FACT)...and now she has all of you brainwashed into thinking she has some real talent. it's amazing. you guys worship her or anyone Billy associates with. if Billy worshiped Mr. Hanky from South would too. get a clue!
go along the lines of intelligent Hollywood idiots like 'Moron' Freeman, Matt Damon, Ben A-Fleck, Susan Sarandon, and Tim Robbins. what a bunch of whinny drug addicted and out of touch with reality has beens. ohh, is that wrong of me to say? bite me.
get a clue...these people are liberal because they can afford to be liberal. if you're like me or any average citizen, you can't afford to be liberal with anymore of your money. are you tired of paying nearly 40% of your income to taxes? well, you better start to enjoy that number rising when The Messiah wins. this "tax cut" from The only a "tax credit"...which is clearly different than a "tax cut" (but they don't tell you that) unless you are rich (like Corgan and Strawberry, and she's only rich because of Corgan), you shouldn't be voting for people who wanna raise taxes on everything you have and will make...unless you are rich, you shouldn't be voting for people who want to increase the size of the govt (national health care, more govt programs, and now bailing out anyone who can't pay their bills). maybe you should be...if you have money you just wanna throw away.
here are some FACTS about some other countries that have worse taxes than us...and we are headed here if we vote liberal and give the GOVT more control over our lives. the source is OECD, 2005 Data from this site:
here is how taxes in other countries break down:
if you are single...with no kids:
Germany: 51.8% of your income is taken from you
France: 50.1% of your income is taken from you
Hungary: 50.5% of your income is taken from you
Sweden: 47.9% of your income is taken from you
and check this one out...
Belgium: 55.4% of your income is taken from you
these stats only go down if you are married with kids
do you want to continue to increase our taxes to the point of coming close to the taxes these countries impose? i sure as hell don't! but the liberals DO! it's always been a fact in the history of the DEMONcRATS. liberal = liberal with YOUR money!
see...our taxes go up with liberals and they go down with conservatives. the idea with conservatives is, the more money YOU have, the more YOU will spend. well, the same idea goes with the govt and liberals...and this is why they want you to be dependent on them! don't you get it? the more the govt controls our lives, the less control we have in our own lives and the more powerful the govt gets.
it's common sense people! wake up! this is not "pop culture presidency" to be "fun"...this is SERIOUS!
smaller govt = happier people because WE make the choices. bigger govt = socialism, and eventually...communism, which is when the GOVT takes away your rights to makes all of our choices for us. do the research!
you think i'm kidding? let's talk again in 20-30 years, ok?
Sunday, October 5, 2008
YOU are an IDIOT...yes YOU...a true IDIOT!
7:18 PM | Scribbled by
Sam |
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this blog is dedicated to individuals who think of themselves as too smart to be biased...who think of themselves as being objective...who think of themselves as being part of a "movement" because you are following The Messiah to be president because you think it's his time and you're life will not have any purposeful meaning until you become part of a "movement" that will elect the first black American as president. his lack of experience in anything meaningful doesn't matter, but the VP's experience on the other side does. this blog is dedicated to you...the IDIOT.
you use sources like:
"political ticker"...which is CNN based blogs. CNN is notorious for being biased for left winged nuts. look it up online and see the stats and the discussions from the sources you use. if you honestly think that CNN is not liberal...YOU are an IDIOT. go and look now...see my point? no, you didn't go look because your mind is already made up and you, are in IDIOT. how many times have you personally gone from one station to the next to see how coverage about a breaking political story on one news channel is different than the coverage on the other networks? it's like night and day when you add Fox News to the mix. but, then after Fox, try and switch to CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and'll get the same left winged bias. yet, you think there IS no media bias, except that of a conservative bias. see, you haven't attempted to see the differences in media bias because you continue to use left winged agenda websites as your main sources. you, in essence, are nothing BUT an IDIOT!
and you use:
"talking points memo" (TPM)...once again a left winged agenda website by a notorious left winged nut known as Josh Marshall. good God, look at their front page any day of the week and tell me whether that is a fair and balanced view of politics. and you have the nerve to use that as a "source" for your "information". see, you are an IDIOT!
you tell me you do your own research on the internet and don't watch news...but you admitted to watching The View and thought that Rosie was worthwhile. Rosie is an IDIOT...and so are YOU!
YOU are an IDIOT simply because you cannot look at things objectively like you say you do all the time. look at the websites you use as your sources. you're an IDIOT!
do i go around claiming to be "objective" like you do all the time? no...ya know why? because i'm NOT an IDIOT and i KNOW there is no such thing as looking at anything "objectively" in this world. it's simply...impossible. if you don't understand this, it proves my point once again...YOU are an IDIOT! know who you THE IDIOT. and the sad thing is that you have a family and supposedly care about them, yet you think you look at issues objectively?
you are an IDIOT. and the funny thing all look the same. you look angry, pissed off, older than you really are, and you're faces looks like that of deranged alcoholics. ALL of you look this way. face wrinkled from your husband beating you followed by 3 liters of Smirnoff every day = YOU and what you believe in...add that to being a blind liberal who claps their hands at every chance they get because of some recent media bias that was shat out, and you get what??? an IDIOT!
ya know what? as an IDIOT, you are right on one thing...there IS a conservative bias with MOST of talk radio...but you wanna know WHY?? the ONLY reason for that is because the nuts on your liberal half-assed attmept at so-called radio, called "Air America" (al franken, janeane garofalo, alan colmes, etc) were boring, self hating, America hating IDIOTS that no one wanted to listen to because it was like listening to a homeless bum on the street rant on and on about how their life sucks because of the evil doers in America (known as rich, white, racist, Republican men). THAT is why your little "Air America" radio station is FAILING...ya see...NO ONE likes listening to people on the radio who have no self esteem and no clue about what it's like to live outside of America or in a 3rd world (as i personally have). and ya add that with a minuscule intelligence level and a severe derangement syndrome due to Hollywood, fame, drugs, and alcohol...and you get a steaming pile 20 feet tall and 30 feet wide...or in their case...just former LISTENERS who constantly wish they were dead.
ohh, is that wrong of me to say that? is this just "uncalled for"? am i "hurting you're precious little feelings?" ohh, you don't like the attacks coming your in YOUR way personally? well, welcome to the world of politics...IDIOT. i guess you forgot about all of the negative attacks that came from the one...the only...The Messiah for the past year, IDIOT!. you forgot about the negative attacks coming from you and your friends over the past 8 years, IDIOT! at least i don't recite talking points from left winged agenda websites (or right winged sites) and refer others to them while attempting to make stupid points that are not true.
yes...i admit...i, am indeed...NOT an IDIOT. but i'm sure you'll have some choice words to describe me below because you are nothing BUT an IDIOT. i'm sure you wanna point out how little i know, how stupid i am, and possibly how hypocritical i am for obsessively calling you an IDIOT. come on...i know you really are trying to hold back you're initial thoughts and trying to think of something cleaver to say so that you can attempt at coming off as being "above" all of this "negative talk". go ahead...try me. i can handle it, from an IDIOT!
you're research skills are terrible and just because you have a family, use appropriate grammar, and can spell things correctly, does not make you politically intelligent. yes, a large part of me believes that today's politics are NOT a matter of opinion and ARE a matter of personal intelligence. you're points are weak because they are either simply not true, or completely subjective to your ignorance on history and the subject you claim to to be speaking about. YOU are an idiot! look in your mirror and face it!
"change" want some "change"? well..let's see...i have about .27 cents in my pocket!..and that's worth more than you will EVER be worth, since you are, indeed, a true IDIOT.
get a clue. open your mind. and stop blindly following The Messiah and his followers and start realizing that you do NOT look at things objectively at all!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
CHOKE the movie...Crying Hard and Laughing Harder!
8:22 PM | Scribbled by
Sam |
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i had been waiting for this one for a long time. after Fight Club, i began to do something i had never really enjoyed in life. read. Fight Club changed my life in the sense that i was able to find something that i truly loved reading about. insane people with insane ideas living in a very real world we called life. sure, Fight Club was a little "out there" with the ideas...but there are people who feel like their life is meaningless, that their life is mundane, that their life needs something more. i can relate to the basic core beliefs of every Chuck Palahniuk character.
and after 5 years of becoming obsessed with Chuck Palahniuk favorite novel of his has come to a movie theatre near me.
i had lots of anxiety. i have been disappointed so many times in my life with various movies. most recently, with Indiana Jones 4. with Choke, i was worried i was setting myself up for the same type of disaster.
and i can happily say, that after 2 viewings...i had nothing to worry about.
First off, you need to know that Choke is an independent movie, with a first time director (Clark Gregg) along with a very tight budget. in comparison, Fight Club, directed by David Fincher, was a BIG movie if you recall.
Choke is about a sex addict, a con man, and a lonely soul trying to find out about who he is and why he is...these are all the same person, and no, that's not a clue about the ending (like the ending to Fight Club). it's completely obscene, vulgar, and offensive, yet sweet, beautiful, deep, and meaningful at so many levels.
i have to be brief when describing this movie. from start to finish, it is filled with such emotion that you will cry, you will laugh, you will feel uncomfortable, and you will simply...feel. i left the theatre with tears in my eyes and a big fat smile on my face...both times. the actors chosen, the acting itself, the pace of the movie, the script, all worked so well. Choke succeeds at every level a movie truly "needs" to succeed in. does this mean that Choke is a "perfect" movie? no, of course not...but it comes pretty damn close in my book. seriously, the only "bad" thing i have found about the movie is that i wish it took it's time a little more, that more of my favorite quotes from the book were there, and that it was just a little longer. it's about 90 minutes. Fight Club was over 2 1/2 hours (like most David Fincher movies). side note: i always thought that Fincher should be doing EVERY Chuck Palahniuk book that makes it's way to the screen, but Clark Gregg nailed this difficult task.
but ya know...i think the truth is...a movie that leaves you wanting more just may be THE key ingredient to a "perfect" movie. so with that...i would have to say, that given the circumstances, the nearly impossible subject matter of the novel to dance around without getting an X-rating, and the budget...Choke is as about "perfect" as it could have been.
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