Sunday, October 5, 2008
YOU are an IDIOT...yes YOU...a true IDIOT!
7:18 PM | Scribbled by
Sam |
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this blog is dedicated to individuals who think of themselves as too smart to be biased...who think of themselves as being objective...who think of themselves as being part of a "movement" because you are following The Messiah to be president because you think it's his time and you're life will not have any purposeful meaning until you become part of a "movement" that will elect the first black American as president. his lack of experience in anything meaningful doesn't matter, but the VP's experience on the other side does. this blog is dedicated to you...the IDIOT.
you use sources like:
"political ticker"...which is CNN based blogs. CNN is notorious for being biased for left winged nuts. look it up online and see the stats and the discussions from the sources you use. if you honestly think that CNN is not liberal...YOU are an IDIOT. go and look now...see my point? no, you didn't go look because your mind is already made up and you, are in IDIOT. how many times have you personally gone from one station to the next to see how coverage about a breaking political story on one news channel is different than the coverage on the other networks? it's like night and day when you add Fox News to the mix. but, then after Fox, try and switch to CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and'll get the same left winged bias. yet, you think there IS no media bias, except that of a conservative bias. see, you haven't attempted to see the differences in media bias because you continue to use left winged agenda websites as your main sources. you, in essence, are nothing BUT an IDIOT!
and you use:
"talking points memo" (TPM)...once again a left winged agenda website by a notorious left winged nut known as Josh Marshall. good God, look at their front page any day of the week and tell me whether that is a fair and balanced view of politics. and you have the nerve to use that as a "source" for your "information". see, you are an IDIOT!
you tell me you do your own research on the internet and don't watch news...but you admitted to watching The View and thought that Rosie was worthwhile. Rosie is an IDIOT...and so are YOU!
YOU are an IDIOT simply because you cannot look at things objectively like you say you do all the time. look at the websites you use as your sources. you're an IDIOT!
do i go around claiming to be "objective" like you do all the time? no...ya know why? because i'm NOT an IDIOT and i KNOW there is no such thing as looking at anything "objectively" in this world. it's simply...impossible. if you don't understand this, it proves my point once again...YOU are an IDIOT! know who you THE IDIOT. and the sad thing is that you have a family and supposedly care about them, yet you think you look at issues objectively?
you are an IDIOT. and the funny thing all look the same. you look angry, pissed off, older than you really are, and you're faces looks like that of deranged alcoholics. ALL of you look this way. face wrinkled from your husband beating you followed by 3 liters of Smirnoff every day = YOU and what you believe in...add that to being a blind liberal who claps their hands at every chance they get because of some recent media bias that was shat out, and you get what??? an IDIOT!
ya know what? as an IDIOT, you are right on one thing...there IS a conservative bias with MOST of talk radio...but you wanna know WHY?? the ONLY reason for that is because the nuts on your liberal half-assed attmept at so-called radio, called "Air America" (al franken, janeane garofalo, alan colmes, etc) were boring, self hating, America hating IDIOTS that no one wanted to listen to because it was like listening to a homeless bum on the street rant on and on about how their life sucks because of the evil doers in America (known as rich, white, racist, Republican men). THAT is why your little "Air America" radio station is FAILING...ya see...NO ONE likes listening to people on the radio who have no self esteem and no clue about what it's like to live outside of America or in a 3rd world (as i personally have). and ya add that with a minuscule intelligence level and a severe derangement syndrome due to Hollywood, fame, drugs, and alcohol...and you get a steaming pile 20 feet tall and 30 feet wide...or in their case...just former LISTENERS who constantly wish they were dead.
ohh, is that wrong of me to say that? is this just "uncalled for"? am i "hurting you're precious little feelings?" ohh, you don't like the attacks coming your in YOUR way personally? well, welcome to the world of politics...IDIOT. i guess you forgot about all of the negative attacks that came from the one...the only...The Messiah for the past year, IDIOT!. you forgot about the negative attacks coming from you and your friends over the past 8 years, IDIOT! at least i don't recite talking points from left winged agenda websites (or right winged sites) and refer others to them while attempting to make stupid points that are not true.
yes...i admit...i, am indeed...NOT an IDIOT. but i'm sure you'll have some choice words to describe me below because you are nothing BUT an IDIOT. i'm sure you wanna point out how little i know, how stupid i am, and possibly how hypocritical i am for obsessively calling you an IDIOT. come on...i know you really are trying to hold back you're initial thoughts and trying to think of something cleaver to say so that you can attempt at coming off as being "above" all of this "negative talk". go ahead...try me. i can handle it, from an IDIOT!
you're research skills are terrible and just because you have a family, use appropriate grammar, and can spell things correctly, does not make you politically intelligent. yes, a large part of me believes that today's politics are NOT a matter of opinion and ARE a matter of personal intelligence. you're points are weak because they are either simply not true, or completely subjective to your ignorance on history and the subject you claim to to be speaking about. YOU are an idiot! look in your mirror and face it!
"change" want some "change"? well..let's see...i have about .27 cents in my pocket!..and that's worth more than you will EVER be worth, since you are, indeed, a true IDIOT.
get a clue. open your mind. and stop blindly following The Messiah and his followers and start realizing that you do NOT look at things objectively at all!
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It's Only a Blog
my name is Sam. if you're here, please leave a comment and say hi, tell me how wrong i am, or where the nearest bridge you think i should jump off is. personally, i come here after some issue or concern has taken control, leaving me out in the cold with no other option. i urge you to do the same. i may not like what you have to say, but we all have to's only a blog. if you like what you find here, just know...stay with me long enough and it's highly likely i will offend you. that being said, thank you for visiting and i hope you come back soon.
The Messiah Obama is for infantacide....killing live breathing babies that the Messiah Obama idiot is for and the idiots who follow his idiot ticket to hell....let them buy it as we will see less idiots in the next life :) are on sale to heaven or baby killer messiah obama or pro-life McCain along with some others who are running for president who will not even be in the debate...go figure?!?:) in Roe vs.Wade .....Roe goes all around the country speaking against there is hope for people that are still misguided by the idiot obama.....God Bless America :)...I LOVE YOU ALL :)
sorry it is spelled infanticide...God Bless America :)
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