Monday, October 6, 2008
Keating Five Facts Turns Into Full Blown War
11:36 PM | Scribbled by
Sam |
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(this blog was written in response to some discussions on , where there are young "fans" being brainwashed daily by the left winged agenda of the site and the memebers).
you wanna talk about the Keating Five? ok, here is what they don't tell you...the other four members were DEMONcRATS! plus, McCain was cleared of any wrong doing. so what's the problem?
you really wanna go there with such a weak point? fine, Obama sat in twice a month, according to his interview with Bill O'Reilly with church service with the Rev Jeramiah Wright...which is over 500 times in 20 years, unless you do liberal math...and we are expected to believe him when he says he didn't know anything about how racist and anti-American Wright was? LMAO! are you kidding me??
ok...this is it...i'm gonna go here...yep...i'm going here NOW. Obama is a MUSLIM...why? because he was born a MUSLIM, attended a MUSLIM school, had a father who was MUSLIM, has a MUSLIM name...and if you ask any Muslim...they will tell ALL you, "once a Muslim, always a Muslim". he only changed his affiliation to be involved with politics in America. why do you think Kenya, a Muslim country, wants him to win so badly? it's just common sense and sheer naivety to ignore these facts.
and with the "current economic crisis", it was the Demoncrats who refused to see that Freddie and Fannie were going to cause trouble TWO FULL TEARS AGO! don't make me pull out the CSPAN video from youtube. it's a fact.
and then, when the bailout shit sandwich was passed and ingested by us...the DEMONcRATS were all happy and celebrating as if they were the ones who passed it, yet when it didn't pass the first time...they blamed the Republicans for it not passing, even though they have the overwhelming majority in the the lowest approval rated congress in American history. double standard or just plain stupidity and ignorance? i think both.
i can't wait until The Messiah wins in November, so we will see how a tax and spend liberal will run the economy into the ground. small business will have to lay off workers because of the extra taxes, and small business will eventually fail due to these taxes.
i can see the bumper stickers already..."don't blame me...i voted McCain"
you just wanna be a part of a movement to elect the first black man as president...regardless of the fact that he doesn't know his left from his right. plus, he is from Chicago...and since Billy is from are dumb enough to follow him to the grave. it's so sad to see people not use their mind and to waste it on following others rather than doing your own research and just listening to left winged nuts on this site spout their total BS on a daily basis. it's simply...un...believable.
and you people ignorant children who want to vote for The Messiah...don't tell me it has anything to do with who Billy and Linda Strawberry is voting for, because i don't believe you. you guys blindly follow your "God" as you have called him on this site many times you would vote for a turtle if Billy or Linda said they were. that's called being a sheep...i call it being an IDIOT. hell, we see you blindly defending ANYTHING and EVERYTHING on his page, anything he says, and everything that he represents...even down to who he is voting for.
so, go ahead and put a Muslim in charge of America and see when the next Terrorist attack will happen and see who blames who. the Islamic Extremists WANT Obama to be the president because he is weak. go ahead...give them what they want.
personally...i can't wait! the new war on your candidate will start on November 4th and it will be GREAT.
get a clue. use your own mind to make your choices.
btw...Linda Strawberry is a NOBODY...she wouldn't even be "known" to you at ALL if it weren't for Billy (that's a FACT)...and now she has all of you brainwashed into thinking she has some real talent. it's amazing. you guys worship her or anyone Billy associates with. if Billy worshiped Mr. Hanky from South would too. get a clue!
go along the lines of intelligent Hollywood idiots like 'Moron' Freeman, Matt Damon, Ben A-Fleck, Susan Sarandon, and Tim Robbins. what a bunch of whinny drug addicted and out of touch with reality has beens. ohh, is that wrong of me to say? bite me.
get a clue...these people are liberal because they can afford to be liberal. if you're like me or any average citizen, you can't afford to be liberal with anymore of your money. are you tired of paying nearly 40% of your income to taxes? well, you better start to enjoy that number rising when The Messiah wins. this "tax cut" from The only a "tax credit"...which is clearly different than a "tax cut" (but they don't tell you that) unless you are rich (like Corgan and Strawberry, and she's only rich because of Corgan), you shouldn't be voting for people who wanna raise taxes on everything you have and will make...unless you are rich, you shouldn't be voting for people who want to increase the size of the govt (national health care, more govt programs, and now bailing out anyone who can't pay their bills). maybe you should be...if you have money you just wanna throw away.
here are some FACTS about some other countries that have worse taxes than us...and we are headed here if we vote liberal and give the GOVT more control over our lives. the source is OECD, 2005 Data from this site:
here is how taxes in other countries break down:
if you are single...with no kids:
Germany: 51.8% of your income is taken from you
France: 50.1% of your income is taken from you
Hungary: 50.5% of your income is taken from you
Sweden: 47.9% of your income is taken from you
and check this one out...
Belgium: 55.4% of your income is taken from you
these stats only go down if you are married with kids
do you want to continue to increase our taxes to the point of coming close to the taxes these countries impose? i sure as hell don't! but the liberals DO! it's always been a fact in the history of the DEMONcRATS. liberal = liberal with YOUR money!
see...our taxes go up with liberals and they go down with conservatives. the idea with conservatives is, the more money YOU have, the more YOU will spend. well, the same idea goes with the govt and liberals...and this is why they want you to be dependent on them! don't you get it? the more the govt controls our lives, the less control we have in our own lives and the more powerful the govt gets.
it's common sense people! wake up! this is not "pop culture presidency" to be "fun"...this is SERIOUS!
smaller govt = happier people because WE make the choices. bigger govt = socialism, and eventually...communism, which is when the GOVT takes away your rights to makes all of our choices for us. do the research!
you think i'm kidding? let's talk again in 20-30 years, ok?
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my name is Sam. if you're here, please leave a comment and say hi, tell me how wrong i am, or where the nearest bridge you think i should jump off is. personally, i come here after some issue or concern has taken control, leaving me out in the cold with no other option. i urge you to do the same. i may not like what you have to say, but we all have to's only a blog. if you like what you find here, just know...stay with me long enough and it's highly likely i will offend you. that being said, thank you for visiting and i hope you come back soon.
France: 50.1% of your income is taken from you
Man... I think I just read that they are looking for some money for a bail out as well. Geez.
I can appreciate that you try so hard to get people to open their eyes. We are heading for a different time.. a change for sure--and it won't be a good change. Sometimes people just have to learn the hard way. Personally I think this country is on a fast, slippery slope to ScrewedVille anyway no matter which enters office.
I do want to clear up two things about Linda Strawberry--even though I've not read her on the sp site. 1) she's not in the least bit rich. This I know for a total and complete fact. Since this blog is public, I'll not give details but Just trust me on that one. And 2) she was supporting Ron Paul. I find this interesting. I'll let you try to figure out how one goes from that candidate to the other. I need a flowchart to figure that out. I'm visual. ;-)
The age of spin and hype and misinformation is huge. The information age is really the misinformation age. The "truth" is whatever web page gets more hits? I don't know how people are making educated choices today. Well, basically, they're not. What I want to know is - when are the people going to at least unite against all these politicians who have been bribed? throw them all out. Let's start fresh. And I don't mean with Obama.
I trust neither candidate. Our system is corrupt and has been for a long time. This whole thing didn't just spring up over night. We went off the gold standard ages ago. Our currency isn't worth the paper it's printed on.
And I see these bumper stickers - "vote for your hopes, not your fears" Then usually an Obama sticker on the other side of the window. Come on--these are scary times! And I'm not afraid of terrorists. I'm afraid of the terror that sits behind desks in Washington DC. Terror dressed in suits and ties that smiles and shakes your hand and kisses babies. The most sinister people usually don't look like the ones in those after school specials.
There are people who just adore programs. You sell yourself out when you use a program to help you that is tax payer based. You don't see it now... but you will. I love helping people. I just want to personally choose which causes I support with my money and I want you to have that same freedom. I am really going to miss the shred of freedom I have left. Bondage will suck.
ron paul is quite different than The Messiah...Obama, and McCain is much closer to ron paul's views than to Obama's. not sure where you found that, since you wanna make it all "secretly" attained and you want me to "trust" on this underground knowledge you somewhow know, but won't share how.
i find it hard to believe that she isn't rich. maybe it's because what she spends her money on. she lives in Los Angeles, and has a decent resume from the time she met Billy. she even started her own record label? to me, and where i'm from that's enough to be rich...and if she isn't by now with what she has done, the she is just dumb with money and living outside of her means and playing the American starving artist victim rather than doing anything about it. the tours she does are a success, her albums are a success. her artwork is a success. unless she's a drug addict, or just dumb with money like so many other people who are young and thrown into the limelight...she's SHOULD be rich.
i just wonder why you feel the need to stick up for her, but of course you have no facts to back this have no name but anonymous, and you expect me to take you seriosuly?
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