Saturday, June 5, 2010
OK, You Have Officially Run Out of Time!
3:18 AM | Scribbled by
Sam |
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this post has been edited thanks to a comment from CD, who pointed out some corrections regarding specific time frames. just remember, i personally don't blame any single person for the oil disaster.
this has gotten just plain silly. finger pointing, name calling, ignorance ridden George Bush remarks in the year 2010. i'm tired of it, NOT because Obama is the biggest threat to US capitalism and our basic civilization, but simply because it's past the time frame of when it actually makes sense.
for example, Nancy Pelosi had the nerve to blame George Bush for the oil disaster. do i need to remind you that his term ended at end of 2008? do i need to remind you that Obama has had 18 months years to examine, focus, predict, and stop the oil disaster from ever happening? think about this. if this did happen while Bush was president, every single living organism on the planet would be blaming him. but now, in 2010, everyone wants to blame BP, or...thanks to Nancy Pelosi, George Bush. Obama gets off crystal clean free! he doesn't take any responsibility, plays golf for 5 hours, goes on vacation, and diddles around wondering what BP is gonna do. now on Twitter, all i see are people talking about boycotting BP and everything related. yeah! that's the spirit! you guys show em who's boss! that will fix em AND the problem! i'm part of something profound! i'm so lucky because God really loves me...and dammit...I really love me too.
if that's not enough...just today good ole, "i'm really in touch with reality and the everyday person", Paul McCartney says, "And in fact, after the last eight years, it's great to have a president who knows what a library is".
damn. i can't believe it. that man is SO right! geesh, i never thought about George Bush being stupid! in fact, i think McCartney is the first one to ever point that out to the world! give the man a Nobel Peace Prize for being so damn brilliant!
forget about the fact that "the last eight years" would actually span from 2002-2010...making Obama president for the last 18 months.
see what i mean? people are still recycling jokes from their closet a full 18 months after the expiration date. if you wanna make fun of Bush, go ahead...but your ignorance shows through when you express your hatred in such a silly, redundant, and unoriginal fashion. what do you expect though. Paul McCartney has been worthless and looking for fame ever since "They" broke up. i feel sorry for the rotten ham, and i feel sorry for those that still can't get over the fact that Bush isn't president and Barack Hussein Obama is.
i think i would have a hard time dealing with that too. heard about Al Gore and his wife splitting up didn't you? got was because of Global Warming...and THAT was because of George Bush.
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technically speaking, Obama didn't take office until 2009 . . .
thank you. you are correct. my emotions got the better of me. i have corrected the post and given you credit.
fact is, no single "person" can be blamed for this happening in the first place. i wasn't ever going to blame Obama, until the sane and tactful Pelosi stood in front of a camera and started panicking to blame someone in hopes to save her own career.
Under the aegis of Bush the biggo companies could do whatever they wand, including the oil companies. This desaster is an absolutely direct result of it. You rightwingers redicule yourselves again and again and again. Obama in fact gets blamed for every sh*t that bush started, including the banking and estates crisis. YES IT IS BUSHES FAULT IF ANYS.
wow, i think you're comment stands as is and doesn't deserve a rational discussion or debate. right on!'s called, 1)School, and if you fail at school they have 2)Spell Check.
can't blame Bush for how ignorant you seem to be.
Frannie and Freddie were the start of the banking and real estate crisis. that began in the 1970's.
Sallie Mae also began the banking crisis, and that began during the Clinton admin.
so, you're a moron. Obama should be proud of you and your intellect you have shown here so reluctantly. Way to represent, "yo".
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