Friday, June 4, 2010
I Don't Get Along With The Same Sex
5:44 PM | Scribbled by
Sam |
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first, a disclaimer. anyone who has known me well (ex girlfriends, close friends, family), or anyone who has lived with me in close quarters (fellow peace corps volunteers) know that I am not perfect. in fact, most people would say that there is "something wrong" with me. thank you. remember that while reading so i don't get death threats as usual.
with that being said, I'm perplexed with a certain type of person. i'm mainly talking about women who proudly say as a personality trait, "most of my friends are guys because I don't get along with women". or "women are just jealous of me, therefor i get along with men a lot more".
in my opinion, there is something deeply rooted with people who have an inability to bond with members of the same sex, or a seemingly inability to care. as a man, back in my 20's i use to only wanna hang around women because, well, i'm a man. but that was a choice and not a vendetta against men. since 30, i've finally been able to think a little more evenly between my mind know.
sure i'm not a doctor, i'm not an expert, but i have spent a lot of time studying mental illnesses, seeing psychiatrists, observing people closely, and attempting to understand people around me and on tv (where most characters are misdiagnosed btw). and ya know, most of the time, i'm dead on accurate. in tv land and in reality i can spot a pathological liar, a compulsive liar, a sociopath, a psychopath, and correct and incorrect diagnosis's of bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and others. it's fascinating actually and not that hard if ya have your trusty wikipedia, an interest in psychology, and a drive to remember this stuff.
but the same sex only friends rule is an odd one. my personal professional opinion regarding these women is the abundance of some deeply rooted daddy issues. i have known six women like this well (dated five of them) who have polarized themselves into the small box i described. i've heard it countless other times from aquaintances. but the women i have gotten to know all seem to have somewhat disturbing issues with their dad, or a lack there of a dad (physically or emotionally).
the only real call to action i have is for you to seek out some answers from someone and find out why you really can't seem to get along with members of the same sex. i think the quality of your life can greatly be improved with friendship from those that know life from your perspective. cuz let me tell sure as hell don't know what it's like to be a woman, so you're really selling yourself short.
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