Friday, September 14, 2012
Movie Binge 2012, Part 2 (Melancholia and Another Earth)
11:58 AM | Scribbled by
Sam |
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these are 2 more films i learned about from Roger Ebert's best of 2011 list. interestingly enough, both films are about another planet in the sky. one is a disaster flick and the other is science fiction, (i guess). i can't help but think, what are the chances of 2 films coming out in the same year about a new planet close to Earth? the 2 films are vastly different, but still i find it very strange.
Melancholia is a Lars Von Trier film. if you don't know, he is Danish and has done films such as Dancer in the Dark (starring Bjork), Antichrist (starring Willem Dafoe), and well...hmmm...not sure if the average person would have seen any other film by him. i've only seen a handful of his movies. Lars Von Trier films are quite unique however. he mixes art, emotion, and realism all in one. he makes you feel as if you were in the film, alongside the characters. the only other director who has done that effectively is Stanley Kubrick. also, Lars Von Trier films do win LOTS of awards. check out his Wiki page here. Melancholia is the second film in Trier's "Depression Trilogy". the first film in the trilogy is Antichrist, which is a disturbing film with strong scenes of fear and violence. the 3rd film in the Depression Trilogy has yet to be made. if you are wondering if i am ever going to get to the review of Melancholia, here ya go. the film revolves around the idea that there is a large planet (much larger than Earth) hurling towards Earth. some experts say the planet will come close, but not hit Earth...others disagree. some say the impact is inevitable and it will destroy Earth completely. can anything be done? well, Bruce Willis isn't around to land on the planet and blow it up. so sad. the film is cut into 2 parts. the first part is about a wedding with Kirsten Dunst. that's it, no mention of the large planet...just a wedding where there is a LOT of drama. i'm not sure if anyone in the first part of the film actually get along with anyone else. everyone's fighting with each other. everyone despises each other and it gets old very quickly. my friend Sean called the movie "tiresome"...and he's oh so correct. the second part of the film focuses more on the potential disaster. Kiefer Sutherland has a small part in the movie, as his character is convinced that the planet will narrowly miss Earth. he thinks everyone is worried for nothing. the film's second part is better than the first, but not by much. for a lack of better words, the film is just plain boring. the payoff at the end isn't even worth it. i suggest skipping this one AND Antichrist. maybe i just don't like Lars Von Trier films. i've tried, but it hasn't happened yet.
the second film is Another Earth. this is a fun independent film about a new planet which has been discovered very close to ours. apparently it was "hiding" behind the sun...and now it hovers in the sky. it looks a lot like Earth...perhaps too much. they even call the new planet Earth 2. the story revolves around a grad student who has too much to drink one night, and while looking at the planet in the night sky slams into a car. people are killed, and she's at fault. she spends time in prison and the movie starts when she gets out. Brit Marling stars as the main character and is brilliant. she also helped write and produce the movie. the film doesn't rely on special effects, but rather good performances. the plot involves the lead character trying to find the sole survivor of the car she slammed into. she finds him, but finds it difficult to admit she was the one at fault. also in the story, there is a national essay contest...and the winner gets to travel to Earth 2. the film doesn't go as far as you are hoping, but it's an independent what do you expect. the payoff at the end is done well and worth the time investment. i thoroughly enjoyed the movie and thought it was rather brilliant. i recommend it.
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