Monday, July 16, 2007
6 Hours: 3 Movies: 1 ticket
8:19 PM | Scribbled by
Sam |
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i saw three more movies yesterday at the "good" theatre around here. you know what i mean about "good" don't ya? some theatres are just plain crappy with ripped screens, and some are high class with comfortable stadium seating and monster screens.
once again...i payed for only 1 movie. i find it a little annoying when people FIRST wanna point out and ask, "how can you stay in a theatre for 6 hours?" answer? simple...i payed $9 to get in at 5:30pm. that's i didn't have a date with me as usual. ohh, which brings me to the next question i love to make the inquisitor feel stupid about, "how can you just go to the movies by yourself?" answer? simple...people who feel the NEED to have someone next to them while watching a movie in public just piss me off. i don't hate you because i don't hate anyone, but...let's just say i have a little problem with you, especially since you asked that stupid inmature question...that's all.
"Live Free Or Die Hard": a lot more fun than i thought it was going to be. if you like the other ones at all, this one has more explosions, more action, and more insanely impossible scenes. the problem is that "Live Free Or Die Hard" is just one big CGI vomit fest...seriously, over 90% of the action scenes are pure CGI. now today's CGI is pretty good, but it's not quite perfect, and i think utilizing CGI too much can make a movie so ridiculous, that it just plain sucks. plus, they have turned John McClain into a super hero beyond that of any Pierce Brosnon James Bond movie..."Live Free Or Die Hard" is REALLY a ridiculous movie, as you might think from watching the trailer where a car is used to destroy a helicopter. the only thing more ridiculous than that scene is maybe the idea of an "invisible car", which was introduced in Pierce Brosnon's "Die Another Day".
Captivity": HOLY SH*T! THIS MOVIE SUCKS...BAD! as we know, i LOVE horror films and i give them the benfit of the doubt a hell-of-a-lot more than anyone should...but "Captivity" is just plain trash. no reasoning behind or understanding of the "plot". i feel bad even using the word "plot" here because i really couldn't find one: guy stalks girl, guy catches girl, guy tortures girl, girl meets hot guy in torture chamber who also appears to be trapped and tortured, girl (willingly) gets naked for guy, girl and guy have ridiculous sex, guy turns out to be stalker, guy tries to kill girl, girl gets last laugh and shoots guy in crotch with shotgun...end of movie.
"1408": i really really liked this movie! the best Stephen King story turned film since "Pet Semetary", if ya asked me. interestingly enough, i have talked with a more than a few women who didn't like "1408" at all. i don't's done really well, and it's a genuinely very creepy and suspenseful movie. the previews give away a lot, BUT not enough to make the movie un-enjoyable or unwatchable at all. the only downside is the ending, which if you think about it...most movies, especially horror movies, just don't know how to end anymore. i've been waiting FOREVER for another super surreal and perfect ending like the slow zooming in on the ancient hotel staff photograph (and inevitably the Devil himself, Jack Torrence) at the end of "The Shining". unfortunately, i will have to wait longer....but in the meantime, "1408" is good worthwhile celluloid.
"Live Free Or Die Hard": a lot more fun than i thought it was going to be. if you like the other ones at all, this one has more explosions, more action, and more insanely impossible scenes. the problem is that "Live Free Or Die Hard" is just one big CGI vomit fest...seriously, over 90% of the action scenes are pure CGI. now today's CGI is pretty good, but it's not quite perfect, and i think utilizing CGI too much can make a movie so ridiculous, that it just plain sucks. plus, they have turned John McClain into a super hero beyond that of any Pierce Brosnon James Bond movie..."Live Free Or Die Hard" is REALLY a ridiculous movie, as you might think from watching the trailer where a car is used to destroy a helicopter. the only thing more ridiculous than that scene is maybe the idea of an "invisible car", which was introduced in Pierce Brosnon's "Die Another Day".
Captivity": HOLY SH*T! THIS MOVIE SUCKS...BAD! as we know, i LOVE horror films and i give them the benfit of the doubt a hell-of-a-lot more than anyone should...but "Captivity" is just plain trash. no reasoning behind or understanding of the "plot". i feel bad even using the word "plot" here because i really couldn't find one: guy stalks girl, guy catches girl, guy tortures girl, girl meets hot guy in torture chamber who also appears to be trapped and tortured, girl (willingly) gets naked for guy, girl and guy have ridiculous sex, guy turns out to be stalker, guy tries to kill girl, girl gets last laugh and shoots guy in crotch with shotgun...end of movie.
"1408": i really really liked this movie! the best Stephen King story turned film since "Pet Semetary", if ya asked me. interestingly enough, i have talked with a more than a few women who didn't like "1408" at all. i don't's done really well, and it's a genuinely very creepy and suspenseful movie. the previews give away a lot, BUT not enough to make the movie un-enjoyable or unwatchable at all. the only downside is the ending, which if you think about it...most movies, especially horror movies, just don't know how to end anymore. i've been waiting FOREVER for another super surreal and perfect ending like the slow zooming in on the ancient hotel staff photograph (and inevitably the Devil himself, Jack Torrence) at the end of "The Shining". unfortunately, i will have to wait longer....but in the meantime, "1408" is good worthwhile celluloid.
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