It Begins Now

well, i just woke up from one of the most brilliant dreams i have ever had. brilliant because of the seriousness i felt in it and so-called logic involved, which in aftermath is not THAT remarkable.
so, i will try and give you the details...without even writing it out, i can tell you this synopsis will not be as long or exact as i want it to be (they just never are):
i was sitting in the back seat of an SUV...and my girlfriend (in the dream) was next to me. she was just a pretty brunette faceless entity. a friend of hers' is driving, and another friend of hers' is in the front passenger seat. we are just driving, with apparently no destination. i'm just kinda blanding in and out of giving attention to the current conversation taking place in the car between the 3 women. at one moment, when i'm not giving my complete undivided attention, i hear the girl sitting in front of me mention something that caught me completely off guard.
this is where the brilliance of the dream began.
she started to say that every tire on every car made in the world "opens up" with just the right finesse...and i mean literally opens up, with a hinge which opens the face of the tire like a swing door. inside that door, there is a small password protected safe. ya with me still?
according to her, INSIDE this password protected safe of EVERY tire on EVERY car is a good collection of the drug Ecstasy. just sitting there, in the safe, in the tire...a bunch of Ecstasy tablets. 4 tires = 4 separate collections of Ecstasy tablets. there is even a gyroscope-like device that is also installed to make sure the contents of the tires don't get bumped around too much.
well, i heard the girl in front of me start talking about this, and i immediately call "bullsh*t!" i mean it was pretty strange, yeah? so after not believing her claim and a few "prove it" comments from me, the driver stops the car, and the woman in front of me steps out and walks to the front right tire. i stay in the car for some reason and watch her from my backseat. sure enough, i see the tire swing open like a door, and i hear some electronic buttons being pushed...she quickly opens and closes the safe door, and then the tire 'door'. she gets back in with a handful of Ecstasy pills. my jaw hits the floor. i start thinking of all the cars i have owned, driven, rented, and borrowed, and think to myself, "geesh...i passed up on SO many free drugs!"
i started to ask over and over again..."what's the password?" i would never get a full answer, but was told every tire on every car has a different password. "is there a special secret password that works on every tire? not a skeleton key, but rather a skeleton password?" then my girlfriend next to me says that there is a universal password...and it fills every digit in the 11 digit password device.
the password?
"It Begins Now"
(i find the fact that i was able to count letters in a phrase so well in a dream pretty cool)
i just couldn't believe it. now, apparently, because i was such a sceptic, the woman passes the pills all out to everyone, EXCEPT me. and before ya know it, they are all gone, aside from a large pink wafer tablet in an overly large zip-lock bag. there were different types of Ecstasy in every tire...not just a universal one. i wasn't interested in a the pink fact i was more interested in gathering a bunch of them to sell and make lots of money. i was having thoughts of going to parking lots and stocking up...eventually getting enough to where i won't have to work for the rest of my life!
i started to ask more and more, "what's the catch?" for which the following comment is made, "well, you can't take too many pills from the tires at a time because they will know" and you can't open the tires in pubic all the time because it's too risky..."they will see". i quickly ask, "who is they anyway?" i don't get an answer to that one, and the answers to all my other normal questions also fail to receive an answer. i began to get pissed...actually i began to have a manic episode where i just want some answers to the basic questions one would ask after watching a woman open a tire, enter a password, and come back with a handful of Ecstasy tablets! this leads nowhere, and i began to fight (verbally) with everyone in the car over the basic "WTF'S" of the situation.
we arrive home, which is my childhood home back in Marietta. my car is parked there, but the women had installed such fear into me with the fact that "they" will see me or know...i'm at a lost for what to do. i was told it would be okay to open the tires during night...maybe with a flashlight, but to still be careful. a few more verbal confrontations ensue and i get all rilled up even more.

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