Thursday, November 8, 2007
Norcross, GA Fire 11/7/07: I Have Officially Seen My First UFO, an "Unidentified Falling Object"
9:24 PM | Scribbled by
Sam |
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Well, last night I arrived at the Classic Center in Athens at around 5:30pm. I was early to the Smashing Pumpkins concert and had an hour to kill. I parked my car on the top floor of the Classic Center parking deck. I had backed my car into a space so that I was facing west. I knew it was due west because the sun had just set. Now I saw something that turned out to be something that has me thinking one word: CONSPIRACY. When I got home, I had to write my story to the the media. There was a fire at a lumbar yard in Norcross, Georgia. My whole point here is, I believe I saw the cause of the fire. I mean, this fire in Norcross, was HUGE! On TV, it looked like the entire city of Norcross was in flames, and the fire burned throughout the entire night and burned the ENTIRE Lumber Yard down to the ground, starting a little after 6pm on 11/7/07. I wrote this story and sent it to Fox 5 News, 11 Alive News, and the Atlanta Journal and Constitution Newspaper. I wrote this because of what I read about the story. here is a version of the story. here is another version of the story. and yet, one more version detailing the aftermath.
here is what I wrote:
thought you may find this interesting, since the "cause of the fire" in Norcross is undetermined". i'm 30 years old, and i was sober when i saw this and i am sober writing this. i am not exaggerating any parts of this story at all.
I was in Athens for a concert at the Classic Center last night and as I was waiting in the parking lot, my car was facing the sunset. the sun had already gone down, but the sky still had the orange tint to it. i saw an odd-shaped object falling from the sky straight down
roughly 5 or 10 minutes before 6pm. it was falling VERY slowly, and at first i thought it was a comet. i tried to call my parents, but they weren't home, but i did leave a message about what i saw. i continued to watch this thing fall STRAIGHT down to the earth. i couldn't find anything about this on the radio, and if my phone wasn't a pay per minute phone, i would have called a LOT of people so they could go outside and see this happening.
it probably took maybe 10-15 minutes to fall out of my view, AND while it was falling there were about 5 or 6 different jets (i could see the chem trails) going back and forth perfectly horizontally, flying VERY close to this object that was falling. the jets were clearly flying back and forth around the falling object. one of these jets even came VERY close to the object and looked like it touched the top of the falling object. once again, it was falling very slowly, straight down and the jets were flying much faster than the speed of the object falling.
at around 7pm, i get a message from my dad telling me that there was a HUGE fire in Norcross, which would have been in the same exact location/direction i was looking at.
it was NOT a meteor, and i kept thinking it was either a missile or a satellite falling from space...but there were at least 5 or 6 jets that were flying very close to it, almost looking like they were trying to get a better look at it or possibly even intercept it somehow. i can guarantee you this falling object is what caused the fire. i have never seen anything like this before.
after the falling object was out of my sight, the jets and chem trails stopped...but a few minutes later a VERY small object with a tail that looked like a comet was moving diagonally towards the sky, from the lower left of my view to the upper right. it was not a plane for sure, as the diagonal angle was quite drastic. hell, i really thought it was a missile. this object continued up the sky and out of my viewpoint and into the darker portion of the sky.
ok, so that is my story. i decided to write it to the news organizations because the cause of the fire is "still under investigation" and has "yet to be determined". the news is speculating that a worker at the Lumber Yard that was totaled got "careless", whatever that means. the article states that the fire started on the roof of one of their buildings. NO SHIT! it started on the roof because that's where the damn thing landed!
the more i see that this story is being covered up or undisclosed, the more i believe that i saw an actual UFO...or at least a UFO that was crash landing. i still think that it was either a satellite OR a piece from the space station that got blown away.
but of course, i always have Radiohead's 'Subterranean Homesick Alien' to remind me i am not alone:
The breath of the morning
I keep forgetting
The smell of the warm summer air
I live in a town
Where you can't smell a thing
You watch your feet
For cracks in the pavement
Up above
Aliens hover
Making home movies
For the folks back home
Of all these weird creatures
Who lock up their spirits
Drill holes in themselves
And live for their secrets
They're all uptight
Uptight.. (x7)
I wish that they'd swoop down in a country lane
Late at night when I'm driving
Take me on board their beautiful ship
Show me the world as I'd love to see it
I'd tell all my friends
But they'd never believe
They'd think that I'd finally lost it completely
I'd show them the stars
And the meaning of life
They'd shut me away
But I'd be all right
All right..
I'm just uptight
Uptight.. (x7)
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