Friday, September 12, 2008
Sharpening the Pencils of Attacks...Against the VP!
1:47 AM | Scribbled by
Sam |
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i'm tired of hearing from people who think that conservatives are the only ones responsible for the "personal attacks"...especially lately. get real!
ever since Sarah Palin has entered the picture, the democrats have been extremely anxious and in sheer panic mode...and they should be worried. Sarah Palin is a force to be reckon with!
here are a few of things i just found in about 5 minutes of's nothing new, but i was recently told from someone on the other side that the right is always attacking the left. so i need to prove the opposite is true if you actually pay attention...that the mainstream media on TV, so-called journalists, Newspapers, and so-called political websites are anything but fair on their coverage. as of today, people are scared that Obama may lose the election and they are lashing out at the VP...Sarah Palin. that's all they can do, because they have NOTHING on McCain! and the funny thing is...the more they talk about Sarah Palin in a negative way...the better off she gets in the polls with McCain. it's a beautiful thing to watch people destroy their own party once again after electing the wrong candidate (once again) and jeopardize their entire integrity with sheer stupidity.
**Politico, and Yahoo News reported with the following headline on September 9th: "Obama, Dems sharpen personal attacks on Palin." once again, proof that a purposeful intent on going after Sarah Palin has been discussed by the liberals due to sheer desperation. here is the article.
**the AP reported on September 11th that former Rhode Island Senator, Lincoln Chafee called Sarah Palin a "cocky wacko". here is the article.
**Politico and Fox News reported on September 10th, that South Carolina Democratic Chairmwoman Carol Fowler said that the Sarah Palin's "primary qualification seems to be that she hasn’t had an abortion." i still find it funny when experience is attacked to the VP when the Democratic Presidental nominee has far less experience and more importantly NO Executive experience whatsoever. Carol Fowler made an apology later on that day, but it was all clearly designed to be a hit and run and then apologize statement. classic politics. here is the article.
**the International Herald Tribune, which is known as the Global Edition of the New York Times (whatever that means), reported on Septemeber 12th with a headline that states: "Obama plans sharper tone as party frets." once again, their whole point is that the only way they think they can gain any ground at this point, is to sharpen their attacks and strategy against Sarah Palin. here is the article.
**Democratic VP nominee Joe Biden (remember him?) recently said that Sarah Palin would be a "backwards step for women". this is just a stupid comment to make and he has no grounds for it. Joe Biden has been known to have a big mouth, and this is a perfect recent example. here is the video.
**reminds me...i watched Barack Obama on David Letterman on September 10th, and he was asked about his "lipstick on a pig is still a pig" comment. yes, we all know the phrase has been used in the past by MANY politicians...but when Obama said it at that speech, he paused and allowed the audience to laugh and applaud. look again. Sarah Palin was clearly the center of attention and has been since she was introduced and everyone knew he was REALLY talking about, he KNEW what he was saying was wrong AND he knew it was at the wrong time. he messed up there BIG time, and he knows it. regardless, Obama felt the need to verify even further with David Letterman by saying, "Keep in mind, technically, had I meant it this way, [Palin] would be the lipstick. The failed policies of John McCain would be the pig, just following the logic of this illogical situation." hey Obama!...i'm not sure that the clarification actually helps you at ALL. the best advice i can give you is to get some sleep and SHUT your mouth! here is the article.
**and then there are the Hollywood jerks who are so out of touch with reality, that they feel the need to open their big mouths too. reported on September 10th that Matt Damon thinks Sarah Palin is like a "bad Disney movie" (wtf does that mean anyway?). plus, he goes on to say that he wants to know if she banned books and he wants to know if Sarah Palin thought that the dinosaurs were here 4000 years ago (don't ask...i honestly don't understand elitists who are so far outside the realm of reality). btw...Sarah Palin has NEVER banned ANY books whatsoever. that was another made up pile of BS by the liberals. how can you ban the Harry Potter books a full two years before they were even released? anyway, back to Jason Bourne and his comments...the political mastermind he is. here is the video.
**Pam Anderson also has some negative things to say about Sarah Palin by telling her to "suck it!", but this one really isn't even worth our time, but here is the article.
i'm tired...the list goes on and on...and on.
but BRING IT ON! the more liberals attack Sarah Palin, rather than John McCain...the more stupid the liberals look and the lower the ratings go. and when you talk about McCain possibly not making it until the end of a term due to his age...the stupider you look!
fine with me...KEEP IT COMING! dig that hole deeper and deeper and deeper, jack ass!
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ohh, this just out today...Obama slamming McCain for being Computer Illiterate
ya know, it doesn't matter to me if a guy checks his own email or not. i don't care if he can use google either. why does that matter when the "most powerful man in the world" has an enormous staff that tells him what's going in the world on a daily basis?
these are the things that the Obama campaign are gonna use against McCain...because they have NOTHING that really matters.
if John McCain was in a wheelchair...just like Roosevelt...would it mattetr to you that he may need help going to the bathroom or wiping his own ass?
take my word...the liberals are going to do whatever it takes to win this election...come hell or high water. WHATEVER it takes! and now, after i posted my blog about it, people are thinking Biden may step down and get Hilary back on the ticket. LOL! see what i mean? WHATEVER it takes, they will do!
here is another new one...this one is where the Obama Press Secretary (bill Burton) accuses John McCain of "cynically running the sleaziest and least honorable campaign in modern presidential campaign history. His discredited ads with disgusting lies are running all over the country today. He runs a campaign not worthy of the office his is seeking"
here is the article
is that isn't another prime personal attacks against the McCain Campaign...i don't know what is!
does he really wanna start talking about lies??? hey, fine with me!
Keep it up! keep it up!
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