Thursday, September 11, 2008
Whoops! Big Mistake Obama...The Return of Hillary? Quite Possible!
2:31 PM | Scribbled by
Sam |
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how many times have i and so many others thought that if Barack Obama had picked Hillary Clinton as his VP running mate, that election day would be a landslide? Sarah Palin wouldn't have been selected, and the liberals wouldn't be so focused on her alone. that's all we here today from the liberals...personal attacks against Sarah Palin...because the liberals know that they cannot even compete when it comes to John McCain, who is actually running against Barack Obama.
now, as a lot of us have already heard, the current running mate of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, recently even agreed that Hillary may have been a better pick than himself.
wow. that's the smartest most honest thing i've heard from the liberals all year.
i just had a thought (hey, take a picture!) but honestly, you heard this aspect from me first...don't put it past the liberals to ask Joe Biden to step down from his position as Obama's VP running mate in a "thanks but not thanks" kind of way in order to "save the country"...which would of course leave room for only one thing to happen. the return of Hillary Clinton to the ticket, which would look bad for only a few weeks...before the country would forgive Obama for being arrogant and not selecting her in the first place.
all i'm saying is, that i wouldn't be surprised...especially after this "lunch" between Bill Clinton and Barack Obama today. this election has been filled with nothing but surprises.
side note...remember what Bill Clinton originally said about Barack Obama when his wife was losing in the preliminary? it wasn't very pretty. here is a list i found of poorly compiled segments of the drama between the Clintons and the Obama campaign just months ago when they clearly hated each other:
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