Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Women...Step Into My Time Warp!
8:39 PM | Scribbled by
Sam |
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did you feel that?
that was a really weird sensation!
everything around us has changed!
look around!
look at the date on that newspaper!
it's 1955? HOLY CRAP!
look at the movie that's playing at the's The Seven Year Itch, starring Marilyn Monroe!
and those cars! WOW! simply unreal!
and do ya hear that? is that Mr. Sandman playing on the radio? amazing!
here we's 1955...let's talk about women and their place in this world.
a woman cannot be a doctor...for she has dishes to wash! a woman cannot be a lawyer...for she has to cook for her husband! a woman cannot be an astronaut...for she has kids to raise! let's be realistic here, ok? GEEESH! we all know quite well that women are NOT as equal as men.
you DO know that women are not as strong or as intelligent as men, don't you? hell, it's been scientifically proven by that Freud guy! a woman has only one place in this world...and that's the kitchen, in her home, with her kids, and pleasing her husband as needed. PERIOD! that's the way things are, always have been, and always will be.
damn, i mean women are lucky to even have the right to vote! i STILL don't understand why we caved on that one!
and that reminds me...a woman woke up the other day, (because it was time for her to get up and cook for her kids and husband) walked in the bathroom, looked in the mirror deep into her own eyes, and thought to herself..."i want to have a family and be President of the United States of America."
Ahahahahahahaha! Ahahahahahahaha!
now THAT'S a good joke! i mean...what a punchline! i'll have to remember that one!
i can't stop laughing...our BEST presidents, which have only been men of course, have had to balance a family and be the leader of the Free World at the same time.
and the even think that a woman can have a family AND be President of the United States of America?
Ahahahahahahahaha! that's the funniest thing i've ever heard in my entire life!
hell...i must be dreaming!
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Well, I would agree with you if her children were older (a 4-month-old needs A LOT of attention and if she is doing what pediatricians recommend is BEST for children, she should be nursing that baby every few hours, but that would not be conducive to leading a country, nor is that a job a father can fulfill.) If it were a man in the same position I would be saying, "Hmm. Don't you think your family needs you right now? Having a child with Down's is a BIG adjustment."
I do give her props for not aborting a Down's baby. Way too often healthy babies are aborted because of the threat of Down's. It's a travesty and one of the most disgusting things going on in our society.
I love her. That speech she gave was a beautiful jab and punch at The One, the Messiah, the Almighty Obama. No matter what happens in November, she's a star who I hope will continue on to bigger things in politics.
Well I tivo'd her speech so I haven't heard her utter a word yet. All I can say is, best of luck to her in whatever she ends up doing. She's going to need a pile of money for her youngest child. Speaking from my own experience, and headspace right now as I am coming to the sad reality that my son probably won't be able to live on his own as an adult. Kids with Down's often need just as much therapy as Autistic kids in order to walk and talk. I may be feeling a little bit emotional today but I'm wondering if somehow her situation will help influence the govt to do more to help kids with disabilities.
I'll watch her speech a little later and come back to you. I still don't think it has to do with what's between your legs or what color your skin is, it's what's between your eyebrows and slightly back a little that matters most. PS Reading some Marx theory. Freakish how much our system is being modeled after his ideas.
i don't think a woman is more important to raising a child than a man is in any sense whatsoever.
breast pumps are around for a reason, and when ya have a large family...that takes care of the constant human attention/care/contact issue that an infant needs.
if ya argue what every pediatrician says, then you would say that a homosexual male couple couldn't effectively raise an in infant. are we gonna get into that debate as well?
and besides...we are talking about someone who is running for VICE PRESIDENT anyway. how often does Dick Cheney get attention in the public eye, or has EVER gotten attention.
if ya wanna go into the debate about McCain's age and that he just "may not make it"...then i will argue the completely valid point that Obama is just as likely to die in office due to being assassinated because he is black.
once again, in regards to the first comment:
and ya say that a 4 month old needs a lot of attention...
and so does a 2 year old...
and so does an 8 year old...
and so do teenagers...
to say that a child needs simply more attention at a certain age is wrong and ignorant, in my opinion. children need the same amount of attention and care until they become adults. the attention and manner of care just changes with the age, that's all. just where exactly did something go wrong when your child becomes a drug addict, revolts against the family and society, and wants nothing to do with you or your family? i think it could happen at ANY time during the 18 years prior to that child becoming an "adult".
and then you say that having a child with Down's is a big adjustment. why would you question anyone's ability to adjust to any given situation? life is nothing but constant adjustments. and Palin has obviously been able to adjust to any given situation in her life so far, wouldn't you say?
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