Wednesday, September 10, 2008
NewsFlash: "Community Organizer" Is Now A Racist Term
10:11 AM | Scribbled by
Sam |
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this is truly unbelievable. as a white man living in America where i grew up constantly being reminded that i owe our fellow black man because of slavery, i feel sick. John Sidney McCain and Sarah Lousie Palin have gone out of their way to make sure that their campaign never even comes close to using the race card. the truth is, aside from the constant double standard of the "N" word debate, as white men and women, we have to dance around words to the utmost precision to avoid being called a racist. especially during this election season, we are constantly on guard due to the fear of being called a racist. that British jerk-face Russell Brand on the MTV Awards the other day said that if you don't support a black man for president, then you are racist. hey Russell...brush your greasy hair, and for God's sake...brush your filthy teeth...(and use Colgate Total because it's the best)...and i'll send ya back home where you belong if you hate America so much. these so-called comedians i used to enjoy, like Jon Stewart and David Letterman, are more afraid to make any real joke about Barack Hussein Obama...because they know they may be labeled as a racist. hey...i understand...when you're're weak.
but was Barack Hussein Obama who first said the following in regards to how the other side will try to win:
We know what kind of campaign they’re going to run. They’re going to try to make you afraid. They’re going to try to make you afraid of me. He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?
thanks Barack Hussein Obama! you succeeded in "playing the race card" in a campaign where you have already clearly been identified as a sexist due to your attacks on Hillary Rodham Clinton and Sarah Louise Palin. and ya know what...i will continue to use your middle name, Barack Hussein Obama...why? because that's what presidents do in case you haven't noticed. in fact i may even change my middle name to Hussein too!
and now this in regards to playing the race card...i'm literally sick to my stomach today because of what i just saw on CBS and found here in this article. the governor of New York, a blind black democrat by the name of David Paterson said the following:
I think the Republican Party is too smart to call Barack Obama 'black' in a sense that it would be a negative. But you can take something about his life, which I noticed they did at the Republican Convention – a 'community organizer.' They kept saying it, they kept laughing. I think where there are overtones is when there are uses of language that are designed to inhibit other people's progress with a subtle reference to their race.what? what? what? now we cannot even call someone whose main accomplishment was that he was a community organizer a community organizer without a black man accusing us of playing the race card? what? what? what?
there are already numerous opinions and anticipations that there will be mass race riots if Barack Hussein Obama is not elected, as is the case with this co-called columnist whose name is Fatimah Ali in this article here. typical...if your candidate doesn't win, then you will cry foul and act a fool. whoops, was THAT racist? bite me!
sounds like a bunch of sour grapes if ya ask me. remember in 2000 when the left refused to admit defeat for a month while you and i paid for those people to count ballots by hand while the economy was sinking? Bush won every time we counted, and we wasted money because of sour grapes. and remember in 2004, when the "Bush cheated in Ohio" campaign started again? sour grapes again. hey i understand...when you're a're a baby.
bottom line...the Barack Hussein Obama campaign is desperate and losing as of today. who knows who will win in November (even though if Hillary was on a ticket, the election would be over already) but regardless...the country is far from ever being united on any sense...and the Barack Hussein Obama supporters are sure to keep it that way.
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You know how we clash on politics, but on this one I don't have too much of a different opinion. I DO think the race card is being played, just like the woman card, the religion card, etc. It is another of those political tactics to get people hyped up and out to vote. Just as a pastor (I know one in particular) who tells his congregation it is their Christian obligation to vote republican, many black leaders are telling others of their race it is their obligation to vote Democrat. Neither position makes much sense to me, but it seems to work in mobilizing voters.
My only disagreement with you on this one is your very last statement: "the country is far from ever being united on any sense...and the Barack Hussein Obama supporters are sure to keep it that way." Why is it our fault the country isn't united? I respect your right to have a different opinion than me, and I don't think either of us should be considered at fault for our disagreement. :)
it's the libs fault because of the next to last paragraph in this blog. sour grapes to the extent of down right ugly attacks.
Palin nor McCain aren't playing the gender card, but Obama IS when he mentions lipstick and pig in the same sentence and style as when Palin did during her most notable line in her speech regarding a pit bull and a hockey mom. we ALL know what Obama meant by that statement and it was his dumbest statement made to date. and the race card has been played by the libs during their entire history. always saying that conservatives are racist, even though it was because of the majority of republicans in congress that passed civil rights. this is a FACT. and the religion card? well, the libs are now trying to use the Faith of Palin against her as well, because true libs don;t like religion at all in any sense whatsoever...i would call that using the religion card.
and it all started after Bush won in 2000. yes yes yes...the country has always been somewhat divided, but ever since the whole anti-bush rally began and the refusal to admit defeat in 2000, the country has seen the democratic party for what it truly is...a bunch of baby whiners who can't get their party straight. ohh ya won the congress back in 2006, did ya? that's great...and ya have an even lower approval rating than Bush (and the lowest approval rating of a congress in history). amazing. great job! you should be proud of your party every day!
Beautiful...Beautiful.....Beautiful Sam :)....God Keep YOU :)
The majority of Americans who voted in 2000 voted for Al Gore. Bush won because of the electoral college. If it had been the other way around, wouldn't you have wanted your leaders to fight for it?
ummm, no beause the popular vote doesn't matter in America whatsoever. it never has meant anything in presidential elections. it means absolutley NOTHING.
so just because Gore won the popular vote, it doesn't mean anything. the "majority of Americans" live in large democratic states, like New York and California, which is WHY WE HAVE THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE! it's a brilliant way to make it a fair election so that we have people from EVERY state get out and vote...otherwise, no one in North Dakota, Hawaii, Alaska, Kansas, etc would get out to vote because their just isn't enough people in their states to make a difference...unless the electoral college is around! do you even understand this? a lot of people STILL DON'T!
personally, i think McCain can win the popular vote this time, but he may lose the electoral college...therfor i will admit losing the election fair and square because that's how things are.
hey sam. i think you're almost completely right.
haha, Paterson shows his lack of political skill to say that. you should never try to submit a point for argument that you can't prove youre right on, unless you want to look like a whiny guy with a chip on his shoulder who isn't noble enough to assume the best in others.
Eh, most people are pretty weak in that area, though.
But he lost a chance to take the high road. Hopefully most dems would agree that that statement says more about his prejudice than whoever he is referring to.
Stupid comments like that just tick off Republicans and only resonate with people who already agree, it's a pointless ploy that will just increase race-related hostility.
Still, i don't think there will be any race riots if obama loses, because the people who would be rioting will be too busy sitting at home looking guilty for having not voted. again.
As for libs causing disharmony, well, people that can't or won't see the other side are the ones that prevent unity, doesn't matter whose side they stand on.
it's like anything that involves people, we don't all have to agree to find a solution that will work ...but a lot of breath is wasted trying to decide who's the problem when the whole thing is really a moot point.
As an independent voter & therefore somewhat neutral bystander, I just don't think pointing out your opponents weaknesses offers anything in the way of positive energy or constructive criticism.
That said, it's really, really fun to do & so easy with US politics, here's my go at it.
like him or not, i maintain that barack's supporters will not turn out in force, definitely not enough to win in anything except a close election. Maybe just a state or three again. i hope not.
And if anything, Bush probably won in 2000 by a lot more than anyone knows. While I know lots of Republicans are hypocrites due to their human quality, I think they also subscribe more to accepted ethics
That election... mm mmm mmm. Oh god that was ridiculous! And the more they recounted, the more they had to throw out because of damaged ballots, illegally invalidating who knows how many votes!! not cool.
All I'm sayin is, there's a reason 9 out of 10 dead people that vote in US elections vote Democrat...
i will say it again...there will be riots and all hell will break lose no matter who wins. there hasn't been a more emtional election in history. if Obama loses, i'm staying away from Atlanta for a WHILE. just will all start in California and the rest of the country will follow.
but i do agree, the libs lose because they stay home, smoke too much pot, forget about the election, and then complain afterwards...which is what they do best when the time comes to actually put the joint down, stop sitting in a tree, and get out to vote.
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