Sunday, September 21, 2008
Uninvolvement vs Involvement
3:31 PM | Scribbled by
Sam |
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a friend of mine once said, the following:
"Well I am indeed doing something about it. I'm choosing not to live my life with any involvement whatsoever. If a ex-drug addicted pornstar came to me for help I'd help them. But that's my rebellion against it. Uninvolvment."
i'm REALLY glad my friend said that because it allowed me to reflect on one of the main issues i find troubling in life.
"Uninvolvement" is one of main the problems with America. None of us feel like we have any power to do anything. we don't feel like we can make a difference in this world. it's not our's the just the way society is today. we all feel like we're "just another brick in the wall".
but we must remember...we do have an actual voice, or if you really don't have a "voice", maybe you have a hand to type with, or if you don't have a hand to type with, maybe you have one of those machines where you can communicate with your mouth and tongue. my point is, unless you are dead or in a coma, you have a VOICE! and YOUR voice must be heard by as many people as possible!
Uninvolvement will not solve anything, but Involvement will. if you REALLY want "change" as everyone is stouting during this election, then you must use your voice. voting is just ONE way to do this, but it's not even close to the potential we all have in our lives. was Involvement that resulted in the end to slavery, it was Involvement that resulted in the passage of the civil rights movement, it was Involvement that resulted in the end to WWII, it was Involvement that made it possible for Iraq to now have a democracy with was and is Involvement that has made every change possible in America and the potential for change possible for every human on earth. isolationism is as about as useful as committing suicide, or worse...isolationism is the same as never even existing. refusing to be refusing to commit...and a refusing to commit is a sad, painful, and self centered way to go through life.
it's ok to have different opinions from everyone else. don't let others try and tell you differently. just because your friends or role models think a certain way, doesn't mean you can't disagree with them and still have them in your life. sure, people may get offended when you use your voice because we do live in an overly sensitive world of politically correctness, but really...who cares? remember THEY have a voice too! let them use it if they want to! don't let fear run your life! trust your intuition and go with it at every turn.
it's ok to live your life as if it were a movie (like a philosophy teacher once told me), and i highly suggest it! ya hear that?...that's the sound of NOW happening right NOW! take advantage of it!! this is the only chance we get at THIS life (depending on who you talk to) so we MUST make a difference NOW because our life is a gift and life is short even if you live to be 110 years old. we are not getting any younger...and days, weeks, months, and years are flying by at lightning speed.
THIS is the time to do something and THIS is the time to make a difference.
Be Involved! Be Courageous! Use your Voice!
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- Uninvolvement vs Involvement
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- Sharpening the Pencils of Attacks...Against the VP!
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My BEAUTIFUL WONDERFUL Sam :)....i pray that those in the world who sit on the fence WILL get up and start using their voice NOW:)...what a beautiful world it would be :)....Love You More :)
douchebags. what fakery.
haha! "fakery" coming from someone who leaves a hit and run comment as anonymous.
Sam, people who call others names for no real reason, are just insecure and jealous, they have to try to make you look bad, to make themselves look good...remember they aren't at battle with you, but with them self...
from me blackswan aka bs :)
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