Friday, June 22, 2007
Leaving Six Flags Without Your Feet
1:10 PM | Scribbled by
Sam |
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Good God! even the "Final Destination" movies never got this creepy! a 13 year old girl had both of her feet severed completely off by a broken cable while riding the Superman Tower of Power ride at Six Flags in Kentucky.
i can't even read the damn story without freaking out! and the crazy thing is that the girl actually traded seats with someone right before the ride started! apparently, the maimed girl was calm when the malfunctioned ride came to an abrupt stop...other people who could see that her feet were missing were not nearly as calm.
here's the popular 2-lined phrase all over the news:
"The ride lifts passengers 177 feet straight up, then drops 154 feet, reaching a speed of 54 miles per hour. The ride has been shut down indefinitely while park officials investigate what caused the accident." lift people 177 feet in the air and then drop them half the length of a football field at the posted speed limit of many highways...and someone gets hurt...shocker!
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- Holistic Healing...Day 1
- Who I'm Going To Vote For...Or Not
- Rosie Uses Her Own Child...In Classic Hypocrisy
- Indiana Jones...Ahh, To Be Five Again
- Leaving Six Flags Without Your Feet
- My Favorite Band Screws Me Over...Again!
- So That's How She Comes Off In Real Life
- Hmmm...Just How Tempted Are you???
- The Gloves Come Off
- Sorry Rosie, The Price Is Right Isn't Edible
- I'm Not A Plastic Bag...I'm Just Plain Dumb
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