Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Rosie Uses Her Own Child...In Classic Hypocrisy
10:04 PM | Scribbled by
Sam |
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well well...here is my favorite subject to blog about. sheer hypocrisy, in the term of our favorite individual, Rosie O'Donnell. anyone familiar with her views on guns and the war in Iraq know very well Rosie has spoken out against guns in general and everyone who owns them (yet she allows her bodyguard to carry a gun to protect her). hmmm, why is she allowed to have "protection" with guns, but others shouldn't be allowed that same privilege? i'm not sure..but we are talking about Rosie O'Donnell...so it comes easily to remember how not many things that come out of her mouth make since. she says war is not the answer, war is bad, and we should end this war ASAP, and bring home our troops.
and then she posts this picture of HER OWN CHILD today on her website. ohh, "it's just dress up", she claims..."art provokes", she exclaims to her critics on her blog. so, let me get this right...she is doing this because she sees it as art, and her point is that "art provokes". what is the reason? simple...it's for attention, at the cost of an innocent child. if Rosie was an advocate for the war and supported our troops, this picture wouldn't be interesting. she specifically chose to stir shit up because she has been out of the mainstream news over the past few days because she will NOT be the host of the Price is Right (thank you Lord in Heaven above).
people using their own kids as a political statement (or for the simple sake of provoking a reaction) is just plain sick. people love to hate Paris Hilton because she is addicted to attention. well, Rosie isn't ANY different. when she talks, it's all about her and her attempts to be funny...notice the word "attempts". to me, she's not. she's insane. she's not living in reality. and this picture is just plain wrong simply because of her political views.
my point here is similar to the same hypocrisy we see with the extreme left winged liberals who complain that we humans are solely responsible for something called Global Warming...yet they get into their gas guzzling SUV's everyday and drive around in circles, while still pushing for hybrids, less carbon monoxide, and more special interest groups to get involved in "saving our doomed planet" from the toxins in the air.
overall point...how about you live your life the same way your mouth leads you? and if ya can't...shut the hell up, and leave your kids OUT of it.
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- Holistic Healing...Day 1
- Who I'm Going To Vote For...Or Not
- Rosie Uses Her Own Child...In Classic Hypocrisy
- Indiana Jones...Ahh, To Be Five Again
- Leaving Six Flags Without Your Feet
- My Favorite Band Screws Me Over...Again!
- So That's How She Comes Off In Real Life
- Hmmm...Just How Tempted Are you???
- The Gloves Come Off
- Sorry Rosie, The Price Is Right Isn't Edible
- I'm Not A Plastic Bag...I'm Just Plain Dumb
- Prescription To Get Worse
- Proper Introductions and To Hell With Myspace!
That would be the same as protesting for the ethical treatment of animals wearing leather boots, yeah? Hypocrisy slays me, and that picture is awful. Funny, Angie and I were talking just last night about hating women who use their child to get attention! Right on, Sam.
What exactly is her commentary? Criticism against the US? We have an all-volunteer army with MEN and WOMEN serving, not the crap about "our children were sent to Iraq".
Or is it criticism of Hamas and other terrorist groups that train children at the earliest age possible to hate and kill Westerners and anyone not a Muslim? Silly me, she would never cry out in anger at those people that use children at the age of 6 as suicide bombers. America is the real enemy.
So what the hell is her point then?
Rosie's point is rather simple to explain, yet impossible to understand:
America is the enemy, no matter what...and Iraq is equal to the Holocaust and Vietnam...Bush = Hitler...even though the number of soldiers we have lost is a small fraction of the numbers lost in Vietnam and the Holocaust. not to mention, we are fighting against an enemy that is everywhere on the globe whose main priority is to eliminate everyone who isn't down with Islam.
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