Thursday, June 21, 2007
Sorry Rosie, The Price Is Right Isn't Edible
3:25 AM | Scribbled by
Sam |
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well well..look who wants to become the host of the most popular TV game show in history?
good God help us all if she actually becomes the next host. i, like many other people, will never watch The Price is Right again if this rotting behemoth takes over .
gee Rosie, maybe you should have kept your big fat mouth shut on 'The View' when you started spouting anti-American conspiracy theories everyday as if you were on your very own radio talk show. maybe if you did that, you would have a better chance of doing something worthwhile with your life, rather than eating, bitching, eating, and being an embarrassing big fat ugly cow of a lesbian...did i mention eating? hey, i don't mind lesbians...i don't mind big fat cows either...i DO mind Rosie O'Fatass because she is out of touch with reality, just plain dumb, and spouted her BS theories on a national TV show. if you didn't see it, Elisabeth Hasselbeck ate Rosie for breakfast everytime they argued.
funny, as much as i despise Donald Trump, i agree COMPLETELY with his thoughts on Rosie as well. not to mention, did you see and hear Rosie O'Douchebag spit out a series of negative, "ching chang chong" remarks when describing how people from China act? I'll post the video down below. afterwards, after people got outraged (and rightfully so), Rosie turns to the 2 Asians sitting in the crowd and asks, "were you offended by that?"...and the 2 giddy Asian women just looked at each other and started giggling and waved their heads back and forth...and since those 2 Asians in the audience didn't have the courage to stand up for what's right, Rosie uses that as a confidence booster and moves on to her next steaming pile of BS to encompass.
my viewpoints about this ignorant disgusting slob started back when she gave away the ending to "Fight Club" on her boring daytime TV show in 1999...she didn't like the movie so she decided to ruin the best movie in years for a lot of people RIGHT AFTER "Fight Club" hit theatres.
ohh yeah, i forgot, 'freedom of speech' is what every loony tune says when they get called out for being just plain retarded...and that's right. this is America, and we do have the right to say the dumbest things whenever we want to...we have the right to be retarded...but it seems like every extreme-minded hollywood jerk has forgotten that the freedom you'll find in America today is the direct result from our country fighting for what's right, even if it's not "popular" at the time. and just because you live in America, doesn't mean you won't come off sounding like a complete bumbling idiot, while at the same time supporting our enemy during a time of war, on national TV...hey, you have the right to do that! BUT you better be ready for the reactions and long term consequences on your career (like not getting a good job again) or simply jail time for treason.
back to what i said earlier, if you thought that Rosie O'JelloAss wasn't a complete racist as well, then watch this AWESOME rendition by one of my favorite political commentators, Michelle Malkin, about Rosie's "ching chang chong" remarks she made on "The View".
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Blog Archive
- Holistic Healing...Day 1
- Who I'm Going To Vote For...Or Not
- Rosie Uses Her Own Child...In Classic Hypocrisy
- Indiana Jones...Ahh, To Be Five Again
- Leaving Six Flags Without Your Feet
- My Favorite Band Screws Me Over...Again!
- So That's How She Comes Off In Real Life
- Hmmm...Just How Tempted Are you???
- The Gloves Come Off
- Sorry Rosie, The Price Is Right Isn't Edible
- I'm Not A Plastic Bag...I'm Just Plain Dumb
- Prescription To Get Worse
- Proper Introductions and To Hell With Myspace!
I found this really offensive. I mean, really--what does being overweight have to do with someone's political views? I understand if you don't agree with someone's opinion, but don't resort to "ad hominem" (attacking the person instead of the points they are making). It is a logical fallacy and does nothing to enhance your argument. This is my problem with Donald Trump's recent behavior--what's the deal with making fun of people to make yourself feel better? It makes it seem like if the opinions of Rosie and Elizabeth were switched, you would switch your side, too, because she is young, slim, and attractive.
I personally like Rosie O'Donnell and watched The View because I identified with her perspective [and have not watched since she left]. I don't feel that she was siding with the enemy, but rather with the 70% of Americans (according to some polls) who wish we could withdraw our troops from Iraq. I use the words "wish" and "could" because most intelligent people would agree that without a time machine to take us back to 2003, we are mired in a very sticky situation without any foreseeable solution.
Did you ever watch the View or did you just read/watch snippets of what she would say? I liked that while Anna Nicole was all over the news Rosie would emphasize how many of our soldiers died in war. She tried to focus on real things that were happening in the world, rather than celebrity bullshit.
I agree that it was inappropriate for her to stereotype Asians, but I don't think it is any more insulting than calling someone with a weight problem a fat cow or a disgusting slob.
You wanted serious discussion--you got it . . . :)
How does mocking someone's race and culture, which people can't change, actually equate to deriding someone who actively and knowingly disrespects their own body to the point where they're disgustingly overweight?
Plus Rosie is a just a gargantuan hypocrite. Need another example to throw on top of the steaming pile she's already got going?
Anti-gun, anti-2nd Ammendment, yet her body guard applied for a gun permit. When found out she just blamed the security company, as if she had no say at all in the matter. I mean, she was only just a voiceless nobody customer...
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