Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Holistic Healing...Day 1
8:49 PM | Scribbled by
Sam |
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i went to a new doctor today. it was a magical experience. i'm not kidding.
i went to a doctor who specializes in holistic medicine, and she practices this because she has seen far to often the negative side effects of the toxins we put in our bodies, which are known as prescription pharmaceuticals. it's not that she won't prescribe those, as she will when appropriate, but she has other options rather than just, "well if that didn't work, then try this (heavily toxic) drug".
it's so funny...i mentioned this in an earlier blog, that i was going to pursue this approach, but if you remember way back to a specific myspace blog, i had a very different opinion. (damn, i cannot even find the blog now to reference because myspace doesn't have a search option and i cannot seem to just go back to a specific time and look at a large amount of blogs, but rather just a specific day. go figure.)
but my original opinion was basically that the holistic approach is kinda silly, and manufactured medicine was the best approach for ME...and i was a little harsh on the sweet close friends of mine (Rachel, and Cyn...God Bless you both) who thought that i should give it a try. i felt like i knew what was right for me and wasn't gonna sway from that...come hell or high water...(well, you know me, so that's not too surprising!)
so after 7 anti-depressant attempts in the 4 months it's been since i came home from Hell, i have realized that anti-depressants, while provide many people serious relief, suck for me and my body. i simply felt worse on every single one of's amazing...i even thought that maybe i was on a hidden camera reality TV show where i was a test subject for the CIA because the medicine was SO bad for my mind and body, and just made me feel terrible. (no, i didn't honestly think that...but it was funny, yeah?) anyway,
so the doctor comes in today, and she had actually gone over my file BEFORE she entered the room, and was ready to get down to brass tax...whereas EVERY other doctor i've seen walks in while staring at my chart and asks, "what can i do for you today?". well, if you listened to the nurse who just went over all of that with me OR read my file, you would know, dr. dumbass!
today, the first question was, "do you have a history of depression in your life?". awesome. she got down to it, and there was clearly NO time limit...even though i was 30 minutes late getting seen, i was with her for about an hour and a half...and she did some, what i would call, strange things...she rubbed the bottom of my feet with a spoon, she sprayed some sage over my body and pushed away an invisible mess that must have been lying about an inch or 2 above my body...she had me resist her force as she pushed down my left arm, and i pushed up, while at the same time saying, "my name is sam", followed by, "my name is betty" and still resisting her force...she had me thumping beneath my collar bone with both hands, along with my lower rib cage, and above my sternum...she had me pulling up on each of my legs when i was sitting down while at the same time breathing in and out...she had me stick a finger in my bellybutton and one on my temple, lift up, and breath in and out...after all this i was supposed to feel more grounded, and quite honestly...i did! AND i didn't have any bruises from beating myself!
she was very confused on my "energy poles", and said they were completely opposite for what they should be...whatever that means. she had a very frustrated look on her face and said she had to do more research on my specific mind, body, and soul must have been a holistic nightmare for her. it's about time someone who can actually help me feels the same way i do.
oh, i'm not done! she had me take a very detailed 5 page questionnaire, which included questions i had never been asked before about various medicines i have taken in my lifetime, and so on and so forth...PLUS i had a lot of lab work done too. it was a full on holistic doctors visit...i went home with a smile and a photo-copy of some energy exercises (the thumping and such). i'll be going back next week, after the test results are back. i honestly felt like she wanted nothing but to help me get better...and for most doctors, i, sadly enough, don't ever feel that way.
ya know, i thought this stuff was just hocus-pocus at one point...and i slammed it....hard!
boy, was i wrong and just plain ignorant! just another classic example of how i can be overly judgemental.
hey, i'm not 100%, nor was i supposed to be after today's visit, but i can CLEARLY tell i should have done this a LONG time ago.
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my name is Sam. if you're here, please leave a comment and say hi, tell me how wrong i am, or where the nearest bridge you think i should jump off is. personally, i come here after some issue or concern has taken control, leaving me out in the cold with no other option. i urge you to do the same. i may not like what you have to say, but we all have to's only a blog. if you like what you find here, just know...stay with me long enough and it's highly likely i will offend you. that being said, thank you for visiting and i hope you come back soon.
Blog Archive
- Holistic Healing...Day 1
- Who I'm Going To Vote For...Or Not
- Rosie Uses Her Own Child...In Classic Hypocrisy
- Indiana Jones...Ahh, To Be Five Again
- Leaving Six Flags Without Your Feet
- My Favorite Band Screws Me Over...Again!
- So That's How She Comes Off In Real Life
- Hmmm...Just How Tempted Are you???
- The Gloves Come Off
- Sorry Rosie, The Price Is Right Isn't Edible
- I'm Not A Plastic Bag...I'm Just Plain Dumb
- Prescription To Get Worse
- Proper Introductions and To Hell With Myspace!
I'm so glad that you feel this is going to work for you! You've been in my thoughts every day but I've kept my distance b/c I didn't want to be pushy (as i have a tendency to be) so way to go, Spade! I'm really happy for you.
Hey! It's ok to have an open mind. Some things are complete nonsense and some are beneficial. The most important thing is how you feel. There is a strong mind/body connection. I remember having those resistance tests done. They'd have me hold something seemingly harmless in the other hand and suddenly I had zero strength to resist the exact same pressure. It was mind blowing.
I completely believe there's a reason why physicians are called "practicing". Frankly, they don't have it all figured out. I also believe the FDA is a corrupt piece of shit...but that's my conspiracy theorist coming out. Seriously, why are some drugs and injections being fast-tracked through the system, then being "recalled" because of all the harm they did? Couldn't be $$$$ could it? Nah. Ok climbing off that soap box before I break my neck. lol
Anyway, herbal remedies have always rocked my socks off. Nature is good. You gotta watch changing too many things at once or you won't know what is helping and what is wasting your cash supply. A lot of times they talk about you feeling worse before you get better, but honestly, with herbal remedies, that never happened to me. With cleanses, yes and it made sense. So just listen to your body and your instincts and you will be well!
luv luv luv
thanks guys! and ya know what else? I just got a call back from "Eddies Trick Shop" and I got the job! It's a store that sells costumes (Cyn? Oreo Dude??) and magic tricks and special effects make up and's a pretty cool shop and it was my FAVORITE shop going to growing up...this is 2 great days in a row, and now I can start feeling worthy again, since i'll be making my own money!
holistic healing is da bomb! grounding is my main goal all the time 'cause once that's achievable and controllable i'm pretty much on the road to long-term healing. that's what i think...
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