Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Who I'm Going To Vote For...Or Not
10:54 PM | Scribbled by
Sam |
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well, i can only answer my own question with stating who i am NOT going to vote for, unless one of these candidates promises to lower gas prices by 200% somehow, and that ain't gonna happen anytime this lifetime..but if it does, BAM! my decision is made!
i will not vote for the clear republicans...Fred Thompson is really smart, and i like him, BUT he's too old and his wife looks like a exotic dancer which would NEVER work in the White House...and maybe i just like him because he was in Law and Order...Rudy Giuliani is okay, but he's kinda creepy and has too many mixed messages across the board, and he hides behind 9/11 too much...Ron Paul is silly, but he has a great idea and wants to get rid of the IRS completely, but he's really just Ross Perot in a bad disguise, and that's not good...Mitt Romney just feels like a Mormon minister who is on TV asking for money while looking up at God and sweating profusely, and that's not gonna work with me either....and finally, John McCain?...two words..."WAKE UP!"
i will not vote for the clear democrats either...Barack Obama had my attention for a long time, and then i listened to what he actually says, and it ain't much because he has no experience and uses VERY big generalizations without any detail...Hillary? well, Hillary is related to Bill, and Hillary wants BIG government and socialized medicine, which looks good on paper, but has yet to work without going bankrupt ANYWHERE in the world...side note: people cross the border ALL the time from Canada to get medical help HERE in America (please don't listen to Michael Moore, Sicko is only HALF the story...yes, i've seen it, as someone illegally downloaded it and put the entire movie on myspace not too long ago)...and John Edwards...good God, he hates lesbians and gays, and he just wants to recreate the Peace Corps and call it "Marshall Corps" to deal with similar issues, which in it of itself would be doing the same thing as the Peace Corps. ummm, you're name is John EDWARDS...NOT John KENNEDY.
so there ya have it! ohh wait..i never mentioned who i will be voting for.
well, i don't know..if that green party guy, Ralph Nader, would simply brush his hair and stop looking like he was just run over by a semi, then i might be interested.
there is a guy who is an independent, who was a republican but changed over lately...Mike Bloomberg, but he says he isn't gonna run for president and those independent tickets are such an unfortunate waste these days...maybe not for long (fingers crossed).
ya know, i never thought i would say this, but i really like Joe Lieberman..his own party ousted him for his views of the war in Iraq, and after he quit the democratic party, he still won as an independent in Connecticut! WOW! he still has my vote as of now, but like Bloomberg, he hasn't even announced he's running *sigh*
so where does that leave me? without a clue, but so far i know who i'm NOT supporting, so maybe that's a start.
i will not vote for the clear republicans...Fred Thompson is really smart, and i like him, BUT he's too old and his wife looks like a exotic dancer which would NEVER work in the White House...and maybe i just like him because he was in Law and Order...Rudy Giuliani is okay, but he's kinda creepy and has too many mixed messages across the board, and he hides behind 9/11 too much...Ron Paul is silly, but he has a great idea and wants to get rid of the IRS completely, but he's really just Ross Perot in a bad disguise, and that's not good...Mitt Romney just feels like a Mormon minister who is on TV asking for money while looking up at God and sweating profusely, and that's not gonna work with me either....and finally, John McCain?...two words..."WAKE UP!"
i will not vote for the clear democrats either...Barack Obama had my attention for a long time, and then i listened to what he actually says, and it ain't much because he has no experience and uses VERY big generalizations without any detail...Hillary? well, Hillary is related to Bill, and Hillary wants BIG government and socialized medicine, which looks good on paper, but has yet to work without going bankrupt ANYWHERE in the world...side note: people cross the border ALL the time from Canada to get medical help HERE in America (please don't listen to Michael Moore, Sicko is only HALF the story...yes, i've seen it, as someone illegally downloaded it and put the entire movie on myspace not too long ago)...and John Edwards...good God, he hates lesbians and gays, and he just wants to recreate the Peace Corps and call it "Marshall Corps" to deal with similar issues, which in it of itself would be doing the same thing as the Peace Corps. ummm, you're name is John EDWARDS...NOT John KENNEDY.
so there ya have it! ohh wait..i never mentioned who i will be voting for.
well, i don't know..if that green party guy, Ralph Nader, would simply brush his hair and stop looking like he was just run over by a semi, then i might be interested.
there is a guy who is an independent, who was a republican but changed over lately...Mike Bloomberg, but he says he isn't gonna run for president and those independent tickets are such an unfortunate waste these days...maybe not for long (fingers crossed).
ya know, i never thought i would say this, but i really like Joe Lieberman..his own party ousted him for his views of the war in Iraq, and after he quit the democratic party, he still won as an independent in Connecticut! WOW! he still has my vote as of now, but like Bloomberg, he hasn't even announced he's running *sigh*
so where does that leave me? without a clue, but so far i know who i'm NOT supporting, so maybe that's a start.
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Blog Archive
- Holistic Healing...Day 1
- Who I'm Going To Vote For...Or Not
- Rosie Uses Her Own Child...In Classic Hypocrisy
- Indiana Jones...Ahh, To Be Five Again
- Leaving Six Flags Without Your Feet
- My Favorite Band Screws Me Over...Again!
- So That's How She Comes Off In Real Life
- Hmmm...Just How Tempted Are you???
- The Gloves Come Off
- Sorry Rosie, The Price Is Right Isn't Edible
- I'm Not A Plastic Bag...I'm Just Plain Dumb
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- Proper Introductions and To Hell With Myspace!
Hey, this website laid everything out I wanted to know about candidates.... you might find it helpful, or not, but at least all the information is there and on the same page! And you can pick platform topics and see their views and everything. Try it out: http://pewforum.org/
ohh wow! thanks Christina!
So far, I'm still for Ron Paul. But you know me, I'm a contrarian by nature. Hey...do me a favor and blog some thoughts about those people who have holed themselves up and are refusing to pay income taxes. This intrigues me. ;-)
I love that someone is taking a stand. F U to the FED is how I feel MOST of the time. Of course the media will portray them as total nuts and the govt will probably kill them...but... well "who is John Gault?" <- book reference
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